Bringing the Wolf out

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This is Ryan's wolf up above

No One's P.O.V

The twin brothers sat in the living room watching TV, as well as keeping their ears open to Denise who had been sleeping for two in a half hours.

"I don't know what to tell her, Max. Damn, Tate had to ruin our secret now she's going to think we're crazy and may run away." Ryan complained rubbing a hand through his hair which was sitting around his shoulders.

Max lounged in the love seat across from him and sighed and stood to begin pacing in front of his brother.

"We're gonna have to sit her down and it explain it to her. She has to know that she is the mate to the most powerful twin alphas in the West Coast. If she rejects us we have to wait another century just for another mate. And honestly I don't like waiting." Max said.

"I know what will happen if she rejects us but, it's not so easy telling Denise, who by the way doesn't know she is a wolf herself, that she is the Luna of the Shigan pack. She'll freak even more." Ryan countered.

With Denise

The woman slowly opened her eyes to stare at the grey ceiling above her and she sighed.

'It was all a dream. Just a dream, my neighbors aren't crazy and my door isn't broken down. Everything's okay.'  She thought to herself. She sat up in her bed which was plusher than before and her eyes widened as she saw men's boxers by her feet, no doubt doodoo stained. She got off the bed and began to hyperventilate as her dream was literally real.

She could hear voices downstairs then feet began to walk up the stairs closing in on her room she began to panic then looked around the room to see a window which was halfway open. Softly closing the door and locking it, she speed walked to the window and began to push it up but, of course it wouldn't budge. Sighing in frustration, she rushed to the bathroom to see if their was a vent or something she could climb through. Looking around the white and black themed bathroom she found a vent below the sink.

Seeing as her luck may still be with her she got on her knees and began to pull on the metal straining. She finally got the offending metal off and smiled in victory then she could hear the doorknob begin to jiggle and she began to crawl through the vents as quietly as possible.

She paused in her escape to hear a loud boom then voices beginning to shout. She crawled faster to find the vent that led to the back door her heart going a million miles a minute. Denise stopped to look through one of the vents that showed her a door that led to the porch and began to pull on that, being quiet as possible.

When the vent was off she jumped down from the air conditioning vents and rushed to the door, surprisingly it wasn't locked and she ran out onto the porch to lead her off into the forest hopping her 'neighbors' wouldn't find her. Slowing to a walk, she figured she was far enough not to be tracked down, now all she needed to do was find a house or something to call 911.

Denise could tell it was getting dark out and she was afraid of the dark. Yes, a grown woman can be scared of the dark, Hell the author herself is scared of the damn dark.

She rubbed her arms as a way of comfort and continued her trek through the forest. She then gasped when a twig broke and a growl was heard, making her begin to run again in fear of something after her.

The woman screamed when the growls felt they were by her ear, Denise was halted by brown eyes glaring and growling at her through the dark bushes before her. She watched as a black and grey wolf came out and stood in front of her fangs bared and claws out. She picked up a branch beside her foot and began swinging it around to frighten the wolf but, that just agitated it more.

"Look, I don't wan' no trouble aight? You gone somewhere. Gone somewhere I ain't bothering you, so you don't bother me. Go on get!" She yelled her voice shaky.

The wolf barked at her and growled again. It's fangs sank deep into the swinging branch and began to pull on it from Denise who gladly gave it to the wolf. The animal threw the stick somewhere behind it and began to approach her. Seeing as she had no where to run, Denise put a arm over her face and screamed again when the wolf pounced.

Denise waited for the inevitable pain to come but, she felt nothing and looked to see a pure black wolf standing over the other one both having a snarl match. She found the black wolf majestic and so beautiful to its black fur to the color of its green eyes.

Denise took cover behind a tree as the two wolves fought, the battle so brutal and the woman watched amazed as these two animals took dominance over one another.

She then saw the black wolf pin down the grey and black then tear it's throat out. Grey and black went limp against the ground eyes blank as the black wolf howled in victory.

Denise continued to watch the black wolf as it stepped away from the dead one then looked right at her it's eyes softening as if it was glad she wasn't harmed in anyway. It slowly approached her and stopped to sit on its hind legs to begin wagging it's tail.

Denise still tense of whether to trust the wolf or not, she shakily brought out a hand to pet it's head and the wolf gladly let her do it.

Denise smiled and got on her knees to scratch it's head then the wolf licked her face making her giggle.

"Thank you for saving me, if it wasn't for you I would've been dinner." She said softly. The wolfs ears dropped for a moment then returned to its original state.

It then backed away from her and ran behind a tree making her get to her feet.

"Wait! Where are you going? I still need help getting out of here!" She growled in frustration and rubbed her eyes.

She was tired, hungry, and probably stink from sweat from all that damn running.

Hearing the bushed shuffle again, she began to get scared picking up another branch this time ready swing.

She focused on the trees that black wolf had went behind then her eyes were locked on to a six pack and strong pecs.

Wait what?

She gazed into the eyes of green just like black wolfs and she dropped the stick as her eyes confirmed that standing in front of her butt ass naked was Ryan. She covered her eyes with a yelp and he chuckled.

"Yo, what the fuck, man? Put some damn clothes on!" Denise screeched her cheeks burning pink. She heard shuffling then his deep voice spoke with a laugh.

"You can look now, Denise."

She opened her eyes to see that he was dressed in only black slacks his chest and feet still bare. She crossed her arms at him and tapped her foot.

"Well? Aren't you going to explain what the hell happened just now?" She demanded.

"Yes, but, first let us go freshen up. I'm sure tonight has worn you out." He said walking ahead of her leading himself home.

"Hey, wait for me you ass!" She yelled running behind to follow closely. He just smiled over his shoulder which made her pout and turn her head away, a blush creeping it's way on her cheeks.

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