Decide your Fate

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Denise watched with horror written on her face as the brooding man before her lifted up his hand and both her and Nina were separated. Denise was thrown into a nearby wall where she slumped down in slight pain.

Nina was still in the man's grasp as Denise tried to get up but, felt pain shoot up in her left leg.

'My leg.' She thought as she heard laughter come from the man.

"Come, Luna. My father would like to see what you have to offer to our clan." He continued.

"Don't move Denise! If they take you, you will be killed!" Nina told her. The She-wolf suddenly started to gasp for breath as an unseen force began to grip her neck.

"Stop it!" Denise cried out as the man only smirked.

"Stop it!" Denise cried out as the man only smirked

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"I'll let her go if you just come with me. I won't harm your...friends if you come quietly, it's up to you to decide. However, I'm not a patient man so make your decision quickly." He said.

Denise looked to Nina who was turning blue in the face from the lack of oxygen and squeezed her eyes in anger.

"Alright...alright I'll go just please...don't hurt anyone." She begged.

"No!" Nina chocked out. Smirking, the man dropped Nina on the bed below her and the she-wolf gasped for air.

Denise was once again lifted from her spot on the ground and her eyes landed on the man who was giving her a cold smile.

"I'm glad you took the smart option. I thought I would have to do more harm than done." He said. Denise only gritted her teeth and put her head down.

"Let's get going shall we?" He says turning to leave the shelter. Denise turned her head to see Nina who had tears in her eyes.

"Denise..." She whimpered.

As the two headed towards the first class suite, growls were immediately heard and the man looked around to find the source, sighing in annoyance.

"You two are such a nuisance." He grumbled. Denise turned to her left and saw a large brown wolf moving towards the two. There was blood running down his side and he began to circle around the vampire.

"Such a nuisance." The vampire grumbled again. Suddenly, he screamed when a familiar black wolf got a hold of his right arm where his magic was holding up Denise and ripped it off.

Denise fell unceremoniously on the ground and squealed in pain as she landed on her left leg again.

The black wolf whines as he licked her cheek but, Denise pushed his head away.

"I'm fine, get him!" She ordered as she dragged her body to hide behind a seat.

"Insolent wretch!" The vampire growled at the black wolf who was growling at him while the brown wolf made a lunge for his throat. The vampire dodged his attack and used his powers to throw the brown wolf into a wall.

The black wolf jumped on his back and bit the side of his neck pulling off a chuck of his skin there.

The vampire tried to use his one hand to throw the wolf off of him and but, it was no use.

The brown wolf was up again and jumped on the vampire's chest and grabbed his face taking a large chunk out of it

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The brown wolf was up again and jumped on the vampire's chest and grabbed his face taking a large chunk out of it.

The vampire finally fell, and landed in a bloody heap twitching slightly as blood poured from his body. The black wolf gripped the vampire's head and dragged his body to door latch of the plane and slightly opened it for the body to fly out.

While this was happening, the brown wolf limped over to Denise who was watching the whole scene, and began to rub his head on her cheek then lick her. His tail wagging the entire time.

The black wolf approached the two, he too limping as she noticed that he was bleeding from his back leg and half of his right ear was missing.

"Are you both alright?" She asked finally. Rubbing their heads, the wolves whined and licked her cheeks.

"Alright, alright. Enough licking turn back into humans so that I can help your wounds." She said.

Doing as told, the sound of bones breaking was heard as the wolves slowly turned into men. Denise covered her eyes as the nakedness of both men came into view.

Hearing a groan, Denise peeked from her hands and saw Max grip his side in pain falling to his knees. Not caring about their nudity anymore, Denise springs into action as she lays him down and pressed down her hands into his wound.

Looking up at Ryan who was watching in worry, Denise frowned.

"Ryan, you have to find me something to keep pressure on his wound." Denise said. Ryan continued to watch Max somehow not hearing what Denise said.

"Ryan!" She yelled again making him look at her with a startled, confused look.

"R-Right. I'll get the first aid kit." He said running to the front of the plane where the stewardess station was and opened the hatch to find the first aid kit.

Coming back, Nina had finally came to where the two mates were sitting and was helping with Max's wound.

Ryan handed Denise the first aid kit and she immediately looked threw it to find some bandages.

"Ryan help me lift him. Ms. Nina you keep pressure on his wound." Ryan did as he was told, holding up his brother by the back as Denise began to wrap the bandages around his waist. Then tightly sealing it in a knot.

"We need to land immediately. His wound is almost as big as my fist he needs medical attention." Denise said.

"We'll be in Portugal in two hours." Nina confirmed making Denise nod.

"Will come back?" Denise asked Ryan. Ryan's eyes darkened and growled.

"He's vampyr so there's no doubt in my mind we'll be seeing him again soon." Ryan said.

Denise sighed and looked down at Max who gave a painful grin.

"You're still beautiful as fuck." He said making Denise roll her eyes at him.

"This still doesn't mean I like you." She told him firmly. Max only shrugged his shoulders.

"Was worth a try." He said.

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