On the way to Meet the Parents

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Hello everyone! I'm sorry I'm taking so long to update I'm just trying to graduate from school and find a job but i will update soon thank you all for being so patient!


It had been a few hours since the rouge attack, as explained by Max. There was also the explanation of the twins being her mates and Denise going completely silent and not listening to the rest of their story.

"Denise?" Max called seeing her body slumped in the love seat. She raised her head slowly to look at him, her eyes void of emotions.

"We moved here to be closer to you. Please, understand we won't hurt you in any shape or form." Max said moving off the couch to sit on his knees in front of her taking her small hands in his. She could feel small shocks going through her body as he held her hands.

"Please, say something Denise." Ryan chimed in staring at her with worry.

"What do you want me to say Ryan? Oh, that's cool you guys are werewolves and are my mates everything is all peaches and cream! No, I have yet to believe that you both are my mates, I mean how is that physically possible?" Denise snapped snatching her hands away from Max the shocks ceasing.

Max sighed and returned to his seat.

"The one we worship we call her Luna, she is like God but, is much more...you could say supernatural. There are some moments where she will appear before us to guide us. She tells us who are mates are, whether we get one mate or more than two. Honestly having more than one mate is more protection, in some cases it is someone who is part of the prophecy who will bring change." Max explained to the distraught woman. Denise sighed and put her head in her hands.

"So, if I am your mate, how will we live since obviously we live in two different apartments. Matter of fact, how in the hell will we...you know..." she put her two forefingers together and blushed. The twins smirked at this and Ryan stood to come behind the love seat to hover over the shell of her ear while Max got down in between her legs to rub her thighs.

"I think you can figure it out, honeybear. Or perhaps we could..." Ryan leaned in close to her face his eyelids low.

Denise's breath hiked up as she gulped and blushed at the close contact of both men.

"Show you..." Denise jumped up from her chair and lingered by the flat screen TV her breathing hard and shaking in fear.

"Please, don't do that...if I accept you as my mates what will happen? What about my classes? My friends? My parents? I can't just up and leave them without telling them?" She said her voice sad.

The twins looked at each other then back at their sad mate. Ryan rose from his knees to hug her Denise stiffened in his embrace then slowly began to relax.

"You will still go to school however you will be living in a different place you can tell your friends you are just moving, however your parents...they are not your birth parents." he stopped his sentence and Denise looked up at him with a confused expression.

"My parents not my...what about....did they know about this?" She demanded.


"Did they know about this?!" She screamed pushing away from him.

"Yes..." Max spoke up.

Denise put her hands in her hair and groaned in frustration.

"Denise, we know you are scared but if you come with us to see our parents they will explain in more detail why your parents knew about this and didn't tell you. Please." Ryan begged.

Denise let this sink in for a moment then nodded her head.

"Okay I'll go with you but, I'm still angry at the both of you."

Max chuckled and Ryan smiled wrapping his coat around her shoulders to keep her warm.

"We know." They both said in unison. The twins led her to Ryan's car and the three of them all packed inside then drove off to the pack house that the boys were talking about. Denise was left to her thoughts as she sat in the back next to Max who was rubbing her shoulder.

'Why did mom and dad never tell me about this?' Denise thought.

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