Plane Situation

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Last time on Just Know I Do Care...

"I thought you said they lived in Portugal..." Denise laughed. When she realized she was the only one laughing and the others were clearly not but looking at her funny her eyes widened like dinner plates.

"Wait, you're serious?!" She yelled.

Present time

The private jet that they were flying to Portugal sat at the airport ready to take off and the four individuals that were suppose to be boarding in the next thirty minutes was being quite difficult with their current situation. Ryan and Max were pulling on Denise's arms practically dragging her through the small airport that the pack owned, to the jet. Of course she was putting up a fight she still didn't like the two wolves and their mother was simply fussing at them both to stop manhandling her.

"Denise, quit being childish and get. ON. THE. PLANE!" Ryan growled pulling the woman along with his brother but, she was dragging her feet on the concrete and popping their hands in trying to get them to release her.

"No, you can't make me! I hate flying! That's why I don't go no where that lifts off the ground!" She whined trying to pull her hands away.

"Oh for the love of...Denise, we don't have time for you to be so scary we have to get to Portugal A. S. A. P the elders are expecting our arrival in 14 hours. We can't be late." Max said exasperated.

"Well, guess what? I'm not bout to get on no plane and not only that you may kill me in a foreign country and nobody will know!" Denise fussed. The twins groaned in unison annoyed with their little mate. As they approached the plane, Nina was already in front of them walking up the steps to the plane she looked over her shoulder at the three.

"Come on you three time's wasting! The pilots are ready to take off." Nina said heading into the plane as her sons sighed.

Finally over with Denise's stubbornness, Ryan put her over his shoulder and jogged the rest of the way to the plane to get her on and not fight with her anymore. Max followed closely behind dodging the swings Denise was throwing at him over his brothers shoulder.

"Put me down you hermaphrodite! I told you not to touch me and you still touching me let me go! I can walk I don't need your help!" She yelled.

Sitting her down in one of the seats, Denise crossed her arms and looked away from them while the twins sat on either side of her making the woman even more frustrated and irritable because she was on the plane without her free will.

"Now, sit still and enjoy the ride." Ryan scolded her. Denise rolled her neck at him and turned away to stare straight ahead her left leg bouncing, she knew she was scared but, right now she needed to think of what will happen once they all arrive in Portugal.

As the plane took off, Denise held her breath and gripped both the boys arms making the men whisper encouraging words to her while trying to make their small smiles unnoticeable to Denise.

It was five hours into the flight and Denise was still gripping onto the guys with white knuckles. Nina got up from her seat and walked over to the three mates holding a hand out to Denise who jumped at the sight and looked up at her with questioning eyes.

"Come with me dear, I wish to speak with you more about Portugal." Nina said with a smile. Nodding slowly, Denise unbuckled her seatbelt and grabbed Nina's hand with the same grip she had on the men the older woman didn't seem to mind.

Taking Denise to the back of the plane, Denise was met with a large bedroom and the only thought she could think of was: How the hell did they do this shit? A whole bedroom?

Sitting together on the couch there Nina smiled at Denise's nervous glare. Holding her hand still, Nina patted her hand then rubbed it to calm her down a bit.

"My love, you have to relax, when you have so much stress on your body you can get very ill." Nina coaxed to her. Denise took a few deep breaths then nodded at what she was saying.

"Now then, when we arrive in Portugal we have to go straight to the pack house where the elders meeting will be held they must be acknowledged that you are the new Luna of the pack and some of them are very difficult to deal with. I know you're a tough cookie Denise you are a beautiful, strong, and caring woman who I am proud to call a Luna. You just have to prove it to them that you will be the Luna that they put in the history books." Nina said.

'Wow, no pressure there.' Letting out a long breath of fresh air Denise rubbed her face in distress.

"But, that's not the only thing I'm worried about. My parents, my birth parents are MIA and I don't even know who the hell they are now I have to worry about if they're alive or not and lead a group of people who I don't know if they can have a great leader. It's just so much stuff on my plate right now." Denise said. Nina placed a hand on her shoulder.

"You know life isn't a straight line there are more bumps in the road, nothing ever goes smoothly even in the supernatural world it's much harder. The best thing for you right now is to see what happens next and make the right decisions." Nina said.

Once Nina said that, the plane began to shake making Denise clutch onto the She-wolf in terror.

"What's going on?!" Denise screamed.

Hearing the door to the bedroom open, Ryan and Max came through running over to the women and they were more hairy than before.

"Mother, we must put you in the safe shelter, we have some stowaways on board." Max growled. Denise raised an eyebrow at them. Stowaways? What is this a James Bond movie?!

Nina nodded to her sons and practically dragged Denise to the back of the plane where another room was. It looked like a small closet and had little space to stay in. Nina closed and locked the door behind them both and pulled Denise into the corner sitting down and holding her hands. Although the shaking of the plane had ceased they both could hear growling and someone yelling.

"What's going on, Nina?" Denise whispered hoarsely to the older woman.

"I smell vampyrs on the plane. They must not know you are here or the consequences will be dire." Nina said in a hushed tone.

All was quiet for a while with the occasional growling from Ryan and Max until someone knocked on the door of the safe shelter. Thinking it was Max or Ryan, Denise looked up from her arms on her knees.

"I know you're in there, new Luna come out now or I'll have to kill your boyfriends here." The new voice hummer through the door.

And it was then that Denise or Nina didn't know what to do either have Ryan and Max killed or go with this newcomer.

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