The Best of Friends

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Both Y/N and Ruby had been the best of friends since childhood. Y/N felt safe with her, after all, Ruby was his protecter. Her and her sister protected him against​ bullies. They had the same classes, even their parents were friends. 

It was clear to their parents that both of them showed attraction and care for each other. For years, they did everything under the sun. From play fighting to Ruby playing dress up with him.

One day, both of them promised each other....That they will marry each other and have a happy family.

Over the years, something began to build within them two. They were close to finally going out, until she was moved to Beacon. Away from a heart broken Y/N, leaving him alone. The bullies returned, and began turning him into walking corpse. Y/N tried to keep in touch with her, but she was to busy with her new life.

Of course, he knew he had to have her. He remembered the promise they made, and he won't break that promise.

Now daunting a new look and style, he decimated everyone in every tournament around the city. Causing many academy's to scramble and get him... Including Beacon. Taking this opportunity, he moved to Beacon.

Here is where our little lovebirds first meet...

3 - 5
A young Y/N sat down on the ground playing with his toy train. His mother and another women with red tipped hair appeared behind him.

"Your son looks cute Charlotte, he even has your eyes".

"Thank you summer, how's little Ruby?".

"Fine, I think she wants to play with Y/-N and his toy's".

She plants Ruby next to Y/N, she instantly became fascinated with Y/N and his toy. She placed her hand on Y/N train and pushed it.

Y/N smiled and gave her another toy to play with.

"Thank you!".

"Your welcome".

"What's your name, my name is Ruby".

"My name is Y/N, I like your name".

"Thank you".

Both mothers looked down at the children as they continue to play.

Age 5 - 8
Ruby sat down next Y/N, both exchanging their Valentine's day cards. This was normal in their school, but both of them have each other very special cards that were heavily decorated and colored​. Not gonna lie, they were the only ones that actually got cards from another person at all. Yang on the other hand...Got two buckets worth of cards.

"Thanks for the card Ruby".

"Your welcome Y/N".

"Yang has too many cards -_-".

"She always does -_-".

"It doesn't matter anyway, at least we have each other".

Both of them began walking towards the woods, until several bullies appeared and began picking on Y/N.

"Hey little nerd, still have no one for Valentine's day!?".

Little Y/N looked down and began to cry softly from that remark.

"Leave him alone, I'm his valentine!".

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