Protecter (Ending B)

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This is Ruby shoots you in the artery and impaled with her scythe.

Ruby held Y/N and sobbed as he began to fade away from reality. She continued to yell at him to stay with her, but he is so close to death, that it is inevitable.

"Please, don't leave me!".

"Ruby, it's okay"

"I'm so sorry, I never meant to hurt you!".

"It's okay, just...Go".

The roar of a dragon is heard, startling everyone. Pyrrha and Jaune told Ruby to go before the Dragon appears.

"No, I won't leave Y/N here".

"I'll slow you all down, just go".

"I'm not leaving you".

Y/N looked at Jaune, and told him get her out of here. With Ren and Y/M's Teammates, they grabbed Ruby and carried her away.

She fought and screamed, trying her best to stay with a Y/N. Y/N layed there, listening to Ruby's screams only to slowly fade away.

"It's better this way Ruby, please live...For me".

Finally closing his eyes, the world caved in and the sounds of the outside world grew more silent.

Is this what death feels like, peace and quiet. I like it, it seems nice.

A voice was heard, and beckoned him to the light. It was warm and felt soft. He inched closer and closer to the light. However, through the silence. He heard someone screaming in fear, it was Ruby.

Turning back, he ran back towards the darkness and fought to stay awake. Jumping back to reality, the world suddenly opened, and the screams grew louder.

In the distance, I saw a large dragon, bigger than I ever seen. I then saw people fighting the dragon, and losing badly.

Ruby appeared before it and began firing her scythe. The dragon brushed the bullets off and swiped it's tail at her. Sending her flying to a tree, blood spilled from her side.

The dragon grew closer to her and raised it's tail at her.

Y/N raised his head and screamed out Ruby's name, distracting her and the Dragon.

Red aura began to surge around Y/N's body. To the point it began to produce red electricity. His wounds began to heal completely, and granting him inhuman strength.

Rising up, he stomped the ground, causing the ground to shake violently.

Everyone and the dragon looked at Y/N, his entire body was burning with fury. Eyes were now clear white and veins bulged out of his head.

"Stay away from her!".

Faster than bullet, he ran towards the dragon and smashed his fists into it. The force of the punch sent the dragon 100's of meters away into the forest, the shockwave of the punch leveled the tree's, clearing the area around them.

Without any mercy or remorse, he ran towards the dragon and began to furiously beat the dragon to death. Ripping both it's wings clean off and throwing them away. Finally curb stomping the head of the dragon to mush.

As the dust settles, Y/N stood next to a mauled dragon. Covered in blood and the rage inside is beginning to die.

Finally callopsing to the ground, Y/N began to breath heavily.


Ruby ran towards Y/N and held tightly. She began to sob on his shoulder.

"Don't leave me ever again!'.

"I'm not gonna leave you".

She then kissed him on the lips and embraced​ him.

Ruby's thoughts
"You belong to me, I don't care if anyone says. I love you".

She pulled away and smiled, everyone crowded around to find Y/N alive and completely healed.

"We have to go home before the Beowulfs arrive".

"Carry me, I'm still hurt on my side".

Y/N carried Ruby back to Beacon bridal style. As they came home, Ruby kissed Y/N on the cheek.

"What was that".

"For saving me, my hero".

"And....I almost lost you, I didn't​ know what do if I lost you".

"Can we....You know....Make Love".

Y/N looked at her, turning red like her cape.

"Wait what?".

"I want to show you how much I love you, I don't want to lose you again".

"But your rib, it's still in pain?".

"I don't care".

"What about protection?".

"Let's make a baby then, we can have a baby and have a family together".

"Not today, because of your condition, you need to bandage that wound".

"I thought you wanted a family?".

"I do....We can make the baby tomorrow 😏".

"Fine -_-".

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