No Place To Hide.

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Carmen's POV.

I rise to my feet, dusting myself off. Im so stupid, I cant even take care of myself! Daryl rushes to my side.

"Are ya' ok?" He asks.

I shoulder past him "I'm fine."

Intense pain shoots through my foot, as I limp towards the door. Biting the inside of my cheek, I try to ignore it. The pain becomes unbareable, so I fall to the ground. I scream in pain as my foot twist even more.

"Carmen!" I feel someone trying to hold me up, but they just make it worse. My foot presses against the concrete harshly as I writhe around in pain.

"Let go of me!" I try to shove them away.

"No I gotta git ya' to Hershel!" I hear Daryl say.

I stop resisting, knowing struggling will make the pain worse.

I'm set on a cold metal table. I lay on my back while they call Hershel over. I close my eyes trying to keep my mind off of the pain.

Someone grabs my foot slightly making me wince.

"Looks much worse than last time. You definitely need to stay off it now." Hershel says.

I groan "I'm fine." I sit up and see Daryl, Rick, Glenn Hershel and Carol crowding around me. "You guys, I'm fine." I repeat getting annoyed at everyone surrounding me.

Hershel starts to bandage my foot and everyone except him Daryl and Carol leave.

"Are you sure you're ok?" Carol asks in concern.

"Don't worry, I told you I'm ok." I sigh.

She pats my back and walks away towards the rest of the group. I awkwardly sit there, feeling Daryls eyes on me.

"I should have never let ya' come with us." He shakes his head.

"Its not your fault Daryl, its mine." I look at him.

Hershel finishes and walks away, I turn to face Daryl.

"So where are we sleeping?" I ask, noticing everyone settling in.

He scoops me up bridal style and takes me into the closest cell. He sets me on the bottom bunk and sits next to me.

I take my Katana out and set it next to the bed.

"Daryl I need my backpack." I say.

"Ill git' it." He walks out of the cell, leaving me alone.

I lay down on the uncomfortable bed and stare up at the top bunk. My thoughts drift towards Sophia, Carmal and Andrea. There's not one day when I don't think about them. I couldn't protect them, and now they're dead. And I hate myself more everyday for it. I miss them all so much.

A shadow looms over me, snapping me out of my depressing thoughts. I sit up and look up at Daryl. He hands me my backpack and walks out silently.

I rummage through it and find my sweatshirt and shorts. I slip out of my dirty clothes and put my clean ones on. I throw the dirty clothes in the corner and put my hair in a high ponytail.

I hear a soft knock outside my cell.

"Come in." I say.

Hershel walks in with a pair of crutches.

"I got you these." He lays them against the bed.

"Thank yoy Hershel." I stand on one foot and grab the crutches. I put them under my arms and walk outside the cell, Hershel following behind me.

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