How Far?

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Glenn's POV.

"I love you too." Carmen replies to Daryl.

I look away, anger surging through me. I clench my fist, knowing she loves him, and not me.

Maggie walks over to me and hugs me. My hands lay limp against my side, as I feel annoyence instead of compassion. I push her off me and walk away.

I love Carmen, and she will be mine.


Carmen's POV.

"I love you too." I look up at Daryl, smiling at him.

He smiles back and kisses my forehead, before pulling me in again. My cheek presses against his chest due to our height difference.

I pull away, remembering Rick, and turn around. My eyebrows furrow when I see no one around. They must have all gone inside.

"We should go inside." Daryl says putting his hand on my shoulder.

I nod, turning around to face Daryl. "Let's go."

I limp towards the door, wincing with each step.

Daryl stops "Are ya' ok?"

"Im fine, I just hurt my back, but I'll be ok." I continue towards the door.

Daryl follows behind me, before we finally enter the prison.

I scan the room and see everyone but Lori, Rick, Carol, T-Dog, and Glenn.

"Where's Rick Carol, T-Dog, and Glenn?" I ask a little shaky.

"Rick and Glenn stormed off." Hershel answers.

"What about Carol and T-Dog?" I ask, scared.

Silence fills the room, as I look around expectedly.

"They didn't make it." Hershel looks down.

My heart shatters. Two more people that I love and care about.


My lip quivers slightly, as I look away, not being able to face these people with tears running down my face.

"I have to be alone." I wipe my eyes, grabbing my Katana, and pushing past Daryl.

He grabs my arm, stopping me from going any farther. "Where are ya' goin?"

"Somewhere, I have to be alone right now." I rip my arm out of his grip and limp out the exit. He doesn't come after me, knowing he can't stop me.

I limp away from the prison as fast as I can.

I angrily wipe the tears off my face, the fence growing closer and closer with each step.

I scan around the outside of the fence, looking for walkers. It's pretty empty besides the occasional walker stumbling around here and there. But I can take care of those easily.

Once I finally reach the fence, I mentally make myself a path towards the woods.

'I'll go through there, avoid those walkers, and kill those in my way.' I plan out. My head starts spinning, just when I go to open the fence. I lean against the fence, breathing in and out, trying to keep my tears back.

"Carmen?" Someone says from behind me.

I wipe my eyes quickly, and turn around. "Oh, hey Glenn."

"Um, hey." He mumbles. His eyes soon fill with concern when he sees my watery eyes. "Are you ok?" He asks, stepping closer.

I look down, letting a tear out. I shake my head "No."

Stronger Than I Was. ~Discontinued~Where stories live. Discover now