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Andrea's POV.

Bright lights shine on my face, waking me from my slumber. I squint, putting my hand on my forehead to shield my eyes from the blinding light.

I sit up, but I'm automatically pushed down gently by a African American lady.

"Take it easy there." An unfamiliar voice advises.

I open my eyes completely, staring around in shock. "W-where am I? Where's Michonne?" I see Merle standing in the corner, but completely ignore his presence.

"I'm right here." Michonne steps out of no where, and stands by my side.

"Where are we?" I demand.

"Come on, I'll show you." The man says.

I give him an unsure look, and turn my attention towards Michonne. She returns a questioning look.

I swing my legs over the side of the bed, and grab Michonne for support.

"Wait, where's Carmal?" I ask not seeing him anywhere in the room.

"Yer' dogs fine, now come on!" Merle says, growing impatient.

I roll my eyes at him and stand up, next to Michonne.

"Come on." The man says motioning towards a door.

I limp behind the man, with Michonne following close behind me.

He opens the door, unveiling a beautiful little town.

"Wow, its beautiful." I step outside, looking around.

"This is Woodbury."


Carmen's POV.

I wince as I shift around on the hard bed. I exhale deeply, giving up my feeble attempt to sleep. Sitting up carefully, I put my head on my hands. My legs feel like they're gonna fall off.

I look up as Daryl walks in unexpectedly. He sits next to me and suddenly pulls me onto his lap.

I suck in through my teeth "Daryl, careful."

"What's wrong? Is it yer' foot" He asks.

"No. I think you forgot how big that actually is." I point down.

He chuckles "Oh yeah, sorry."

I scoff at his simple response "Sorry isn't gonna make me any better is it?"

"But this might." He leans in, connecting his lips to mine.

I immediately kiss back, straddling him. His picks me up and sets me down underneath him on the bed. The moment of course is ruined by someone clearing their throat.


Daryl continues to kiss me, ignoring the person who was standing at the door.

"Daryl, get off." I mumble through his lips. I shove him off of me and sit up.

I see Glenn awkwardly shifting around "This is becoming a habit isn't it?"


Andrea's POV.

"There's 73 people here." The man who I've learned goes by 'The Govener' finishes.

Michonne looks unimpressed as I stare around in shock.

"Follow me." He orders.

We follow behind him, along with Merle. I feel Merles eyes on me the whole time, making me a tad more uncomfortable than I already was. We enter a building and he takes us inside an apartment.

"This is where you'll be staying." He says.

"Thanks." I look around the small, but nice apartment.

"We won't be staying long." Michonne cuts to the point. "We'll be collecting our weapons and leaving by the end of the week."

"Fine by me. I'll give you ladies a chance to get settled in." He dismisses himself and stalks out the door, followed my Merle, who gives us one last creepy smile before fully shutting the door.

I turn to face Michonne "This is nice."

She looks around "I guess, but were not staying long."

I sigh " Michonne, we could stay here. We could be safe here forever, it won't cost us to at least stay for a little longer."

She gives me a stern look "We gotta get out of here as soon as you get better Andrea. I don't trust that man."

"We've known him for like an hour! Don't be so quick to judge." I roll my eyes.

"Get some rest, you need it." She changes the subject.

I sigh and sit on the bed. "Just think about it." I lay down, falling asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.


Glenn's POV.

"This is becoming a habit isn't it?" I ask when I see Carmen and Daryl making out on the bed.

"I'm so sorry Glenn, what do you need?" Carmen asks adjusting her clothes.

I couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy towards Daryl.

"I just wanted to talk." I admit.

Daryl groans "Ya' interrupted us cause ya' 'wanted ta talk?"

"Be nice." Carmen slaps his chest lightly. "Of course we can talk, Daryl can you give us a moment?"

He sighs "Ya got 10 minutes."

She thanks him and gives him a kiss before he walks out.

I sit on the bed next to her.

"So what did you wanna talk about?" She asks.

I pull out some medication for her panic attacks. "I found these earlier, and just remembered them" I hand them to her.

"Thank you Glenn, I really needed this." She thanks me, smiling.

"When was your last attack?" I ask.

She hesitates "Oh, the one where I um, bit you."

"Oh, yeah." An awkward silence fills the air after I say this.

I let out a sigh "I think I really do like you."

She looks down "Glenn, we talked about this, you just think you like me."

"No! I'm serious. I've been thinking, about our kiss-" She cuts me off before I can finish.

"That kiss meant nothing Glenn, it was just to show you that you have no feelings for me." She explains

"No, it did mean something, it meant something to me. I realized how much I care about you, and how I can't lose you to Daryl." I put my hand on her thigh.

"It's too late Glenn, I'm already with him. You're with Maggie"

Anger bubbles up inside me when she says this. "No! I love you Carmen!"

"Y-you what?" She asks wide eyed.

I stop. "I love you Carmen."


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