Living Dead Girl

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I'd spent the day at the shantytown with Mom's acoustic guitar, playing for the Zombies, so I was feeling pretty good when I came home that evening. Mom wasn't in the kitchen, so I headed into the living room, wanting to share how Rob had set up a makeshift drum set with some stuff he'd found. I almost walked right past her, but she moved just as I was passing the couch.

"Mom, are you feeling okay?" I was immediately concerned. She never napped unless she was sick.

"I'm fine," she mumbled as she sat up. She rubbed her eyes and blinked up at me. "What time is it?"

"It's nearly seven." I switched on the table lamp. "Are you sure you're okay?"

She stood up groggily. "I'm just tired."

I picked up a pair of coffee mugs from the end table. "Maybe you should've made caffeinated."

She followed me back to the kitchen, still trying to shake off the sleep. "I didn't make it. Garret brought it."

That stopped me cold. "What was Garret doing here?"

"He brought coffee and wanted to talk."

"And you let him in?" I went to the sink and rinsed out the cups. "Why would you do that?" Even as I said it, I knew the answer.

"I just wanted him to leave you alone." She sat down at the table. "He apologized and said he wouldn't bother you anymore."

I'd believe that when pigs flew, and probably not even then, but I didn't bother sharing my thoughts. Instead, I went to the refrigerator and peered inside. There wasn't much regular food left. I scanned the ingredients before pulling out a Zombie Entrée and half a dozen eggs. Brain omelet, anyone?

As I cooked, I told Mom about my day, relaying everything from when I first met up with Lilly and Rob to hearing him try to play along with me. I could feel the excitement return as I told her about how Rob's ability to keep a beat improved until, by our last song, he was keeping perfect time.

Mom never said a word. When I turned around to give her an omelet, I could see that her eyes struggled to focus. I knew she hadn't been sleeping well since I came out. It was probably just catching up with her...but something else was nagging at the back of my mind.

We ate in silence, and then she excused herself and went to bed. I did the dishes, hoping she was just coming down with a cold or something.

I pushed other thoughts from my mind and concentrated on the idea my friends and I had come up with earlier in the day. If Garret thought ordering Zombie food and having an integrated lunch table was a big deal, he was going to freak at this, which, I guess, was the point.


Monday mornings were busy at the salon because that was when their deliveries were made. Mom would go in an hour early, so usually she would be out of the house by the time I got up for school. Today, however, she was sitting at the table in the t-shirt and shorts she'd worn to bed, staring into space.

"Mom?" I said, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"Hi, Jack." The words came out slow and blunted, almost slurred.

"Do you need me to stay home with you?" I said, trying once again to push a nagging thought from my mind.

It took her a moment to process my question and then she shook her head. "I'm fine."

She didn't sound fine, but how do you tell your mother what to do? I settled for..."I'll have my phone with me. If you need anything, just call, okay?"

"Kay." She stood slowly. "Getting today."

I was still worried when I got to school. Lilly, Melanie, and Rob were waiting for me just outside school grounds. All of them were so excited about our plan that they didn't notice my lack of enthusiasm. I pushed my concerns to the back of my mind and took one of the posters Melanie and Rob had designed.

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