Chapter 17 : We aren't The One

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Momo's POV

I drive to Jeongyeon's place as it is sunday, just want to talk to her about what happen last night.
"Jeong" I shouted as someone open the door.
"Dahyun?" I starlet.
"Hi.. Momo.." she greet me as she pulled me inside.
"Jeong is showering, where are you guys going? This early?" Dahyun asked.
"Ah noo... it is just.. I come here for-" I said as Jeong comes out.
"Disscusing our assingment" she said
"Ah.. yes thats it" I said.
"Hmm.. I'm here just want to say goodbye.. as you are here with us Momo, I'm going to French tomorrow evening" Dahyun said.
"Sorry, Dahyun we have a class we can't send you to the airport" Jeong said as she sit beside me.
"It is okay, we are going to meet soon" Dahyun said as she hugs Jeong and me.
"Guys, I need to go, I must prepared my stuff for tomorrow" she said as I get up.
"Hey let me send you home" I said as she shake her head.
"No, you just get here, I'm okay with bus.. thanks Momo.. and can you please take care of this bitch for me where I'm not here" she said as she put her shoes on.
"Yes of course, I will take care of this lovely creature" I said as I hook my hand to Jeong's neck and stroking her hair.
"Hey, let me go." Jeong whined as Dahyun laughed at us.
"Jeong, you cut your hair again?" Dahyun asked as I let her go.
"Eh? Oh this.. yes" Jeong answer her.
"Tsk..tsk.. can you just grow it? Really looks like a boy now" Dahyun said as we looked at each other.
"Okay, I will go now.. bye... see you guys.. goodluck.. see you soon.. hey don't forget to call me often" Dahyun said to Jeong as she walk away.

"Everyone left" Jeong said as she walk to the kitchen and grab a can of soda for me.
"You have me" I said as she nodded.
"Hmm.. yes luckily" she said.
"And what's up?" She continue as we sit in the chair at the dining room.
"About last night, what should we do about that?" I said as I take a seat infront of her.
"Tzuyu?" Jeong asked
"Hmmm.. I was shock that we aren't the one like this" I hummed.
"Yes.. me too..She is tailing on us or what? She knows me and you just from one looks" Jeong said.
"She know everything at the college but she never get really care about it, but unfortunately she knows about us" I said.
"So, how is Sana.. she have a boyfriend.. and that girl want her" Jeong said.
"No, she just break up.. and guess Tzuyu found out so she is asking us to help her" I said.
"Hmm? Break up? Tsk.." she mumble.

"What to do babe?" I asked as she grabs my phone.
"First just get them to know each other" Jeong said as she give me back my phone as I check it.
Momo : this afternoon at X coffee shop
Tzuyu : what?
Momo : I will introduce you to her
Tzuyu : it is so obvious that where the heck you  know me from
Momo : said that you are Jeong's childhood friend

"Hey, why me" Jeong whined as she watch me from back at me while texting Tzuyu.
"I can't said that Tzuyu is my childhood friend, it is more obvious as Sana is the one who is my childhood friend" I said as I checking my phone.

Tzuyu : so? I must create the fake story telling about me and Jeong? It is kinda difficult
Momo : are you going to get her or not?
Tzuyu : okay okay deal.

At the coffee shop

"Hey, what's up?" Sana waves to us that she is already waiting for us at the coffee shop.
"You work here?" Jeong asked.
"Yes, guys come together?" She asked.
"Eh yes" Jeong answer as I felt someone put her hand around my shoulder as I see.
"Tzuyu" I Said as Sana looked at me confused.
"Hey, broo" she said as she slaps Jeongyeon's shoulder.
"Ehm" Sana fake a cough as Jeongyeon introduce Tzuyu to her.
"Hey, Sana this is my childhood friend, Tzuyu" Jeong said as Sana extend her hand to Tzuyu.
"Hii, I'm Sana Nice to meet you" Sana said as Tzuyu reach her hand and shake it.
"I'm Tzuyu.." she said as she can't stop looking at Sana.

"Hey what do you guys want? I will make it for you" Sana said as Me and Momo ordered but not that Tzuyu.
"Tzuyu-ssi?" Sana asked as Tzuyu looked at her.
"I" she said as me and Jeong look at each other.
"Eh? Kekekekke.. there is no coffee with that name, Tzuyu-ssi." Sana giggles.
"So, give me something you like" Tzuyu said as Sana smile
"Okay, wait.. I will be right back" Sana said as she run to the bar and make the order.

"Yaa.. are you crazy?" I asked Tzuyu.
"What?" She said.
"Isn't it to straightforward?" I said as she laughed.
"No, I think she is okay with it" Tzuyu said.

"Here.." Sana come and serve our order.
"Sit here" Tzuyu pat the space beside her as Sana Smile.
"So...?" Sana asked as we have an awkward silence that I step on Jeong's foot.
"Eh.... ehhh... you know she is fromm the other class, and hey you are at the same class with Jihyo right?" Jeong said as I let her go.
"Yes, I'm Jihyo's classmate" Tzuyu said.
"Lets hang out together sometime with us, Tzuyu" I said as Tzuyu grabs her phone and give it to Sana.
"Ah.. phone number?" Sana said as she grabs the phone and type on it.
"Okey, this" Sana said as she return the phone back.
"Oh.. hey.. why you don't asked Jihyo and Mina to come here with you guys?" Sana continue as again Me and Jeong look at each other.
"Aren't they working too?" I said.
"I think they have a morning shift and it should be ended by now.." Sana said.
"Ahh.. I forget.. my bad" I said as Sana smile.

To be continue .....

Will update soon....😉😉

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