Chapter 2 : Move On

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Jeongyeon's POV

Today is the last day I can see Nayeon, my very best friend but she is so special to me, I like her not just a friend but as a lover, I know I shouldn't, but I can't deny my feelings..
I wake up early to go take Nayeon to the airport.

We are on the way to airport with Dahyun, Nayeon's driver drive us there. Our way go to airport is full of laughter that talking about our stupid things, skipping the class walking and talking in front of the mirror at the toilet without getting caught by the teacher.
"Why you guys don't invite me that time?" Dahyun whined as it is just happen to me and Nayeon when we are not in the samd class before.
"Hey, you are not at the same class with us, how can we shouted for you asking for skipping the class infront of the teacher?" Nayeon said as everyone laughed and stop after.
"Miss, we are here" Nayeon driver said as we get off the car help Nayeon with her stuff..
"Hey, looked at me when I am still here before I go and you will miss me" Nayeon walk towards me as she push my chin up.
"We can have video call though" I said pretending that I'm okay.
"Nayeon, please come back soon.. visit more often" Dahyun said tears flow down to her cheeks with Nayeon hugging her.

"Goodmorning to all the passenger of ZZ airline to Canada, ...." 
Soon after we hear that, Dahyun cry more loud as I just can looked at Nayeon smiling pretending that I'm totally okay.
"Yaa.. what are you doing? Give me a hug? I don't know when I can back here" Nayeon said as she spred her hand and hugs me who just hoping this is a dream.
"I love you, I will miss you" I said to her as she giggled.
"Eh? This is the first time I hear that our Jeongyeon said that? I love you too my best friend.. see you soon" she said.

I love you Nayeon, not for just best  friend but lovers, I can't get it out though this is forbidden and you will think that I'm weird, and disgusting.
"SARANGHAEEEE!!!" Nayeon shouted from a far giving us a shape of heart obove her head.

Just like that, we going back home as Nayeon's drive us home, nothing but a silent in the car.. we both really sad to see our friend go.
"Jeong, actually.. I will go to French to have my college there, I have tell Nayeon but I don't know how to tell you this.." Dahyun said as I looked at her.
"What?" I said.
"So, you guys left me here alone, poor me" I continue as Dahyun lean towards me and hugs me..
"Sorry, Jeong I will visit often" she said as we arrived at my home, waving to Dahyun smiling.

Soon after the car left, I looked up to the sky as I start crying. Yes, I never cry infront for them.. And now I cry loudly like a crazy bitch thinking what we have done together before.. with Nayeon also with Dahyun, we all grow up to be an adult, have to go to college get a part time job to support ourselves now, it will so frustrating now as our Time is different to each other now..

One month after...

First day of college...

"This is not your actual class, just temporary.. we need to check your grade" the lecture said as he give us a test paper.
"Do it, 30 minutes" the lecture said as I looked at it.
It is English.. OMG.. first day first test is English..
I write out everything on my mind as I don't care about the grade, all will be the same though but not with that three queen, I will be just on the last of the class.
After we done the first test that we get to have a break, I just sit on my chair lean toward my table and try to sleep, but someone pat me.
"Jeong, what are you doing? Join us to the cafetaria don't be alone here" I looked up as I see Momo smile at me and hold my hand pulling me up and going to the cafetaria along with Mina, Sana and Jihyo.

"How about the test?" Sana asked me.
"Hmm... it is fine" I said as Jihyo tease me.
"Really? I see you have finished it just in five minutes, are you guessing the answer?"
"Yes you know me, Jihyo" I said as Momo laughed at me, I can see her eyes looking at me sparkling, charmingly as she as tuck her bangs to her earlobe, revealing her neck and a little of her collar bones..
Aishh.. shit.. stop staring at her..
I must get rid of this forbidden feeling as I have promise to myself Nayeon is the first and the last girl that I love..Jeongyeon please Move on...

To be continue...

Will update soon..

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Read my another ongoing Story : Addicted to You (MiMo) 🐧❤

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