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Warning: Swearing

Karma spent the night at the school, leaning back in the desk and closing his eyes. The darkness didn't last for a winter's night, the light still spiked through the horizon at an early 7AM. Karma awoke then, tilting his head down and stretching his neck. He sighed, reaching forward he pulled the knife from the desk and pocketed it quickly, standing. His steps brought him to the window, his hand reaching out and resting on the cool glass. Of course, it felt montone to his fingers but Karma was willing to bet it felt like a lot more than anyone else would feel. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he looked out the slightly dirty glass.

He stepped back, walking back to the door and out into the hall. He walked again, thinking of all the memories that were locked up in these walls and smirking slightly. 

"Stupid..." Karma whispered and looked into the old teachers office, remembering his stupid octopus teacher, remembering everything Koro-Sensei had taught him. Turning away, he made his way out of the school building. Karma had hoped he would find something, anything, that would help upon his quest to find pure emotion again. Alas, his journey brought up fruitless bounty, with only scathing memories and a now sore back he left the school and walked down the dirt path slowly. 

What Karma hadn't been expecting to find was a certain insufferable flaxen hair boy stumbling over a stray root, after Karma got over his initial wonder he jumped up into the nearest tree and watched. Who knew Asano Gakushuu liked to go on hikes?

Karma watched with minimal amusement as Asano was concentrated on the ground so much he almost knocked into a tree. Karma got bored quickly, and only stayed to watch when he saw a grimace cross over Asano's face when he stepped in mud. A grimace? Feelings? Karma sat up, his eyes sharp as he watched the boy's face carefully. Karma noticed he was carrying a large bag, and was sweating like no tomorrow, causing him to rake his fingers through his hair and push it from his face. Which, by the way, was extremely attractive. Karma felt a twinge of...jealousy? No, annoyance at the stupid git, seeing him in all his perfection struggling through the forest. 

Karma thought back to not a year ago in his school days, when he was still able to see Asano for a human and not a mindless monster. Back then Karma had decided he liked Asano, he was both fun to mess with and to look at. He was insanely smart, strong and didn't let people push him around, which of course caught Karma's eye. 

Yet that was a long time ago, or at least felt like it, and Karma no longer held interest for the boy now passing the tree Karma was sitting in. Karma continued to watch, not deeming it creepy because come on, he was Karma after all. Karma snorted lightly when Asano tripped and fell forward, but caught himself and got to his feet quickly. So, he still had his sharp senses. If this were a year ago he was sure Asano would have spotted the redhead perched like an owl in the tree not ten feet from him.

Karma smiled wickedly, he hadn't had someone to truly mess with in a long time. So, he hopped a few trees forward and landed gracefully in front of the scowling boy, who was wiping his muddy hands off. Asano's eyes shot up, and he instantly got defensive. Golden eyes inspected jaded purple, a smirk sliding over Karma's face as he saw Asano scowl at him.

"Akabane, long time no see" Asano said curtly, stepping back and looking around him for any exit. Karma rolled his eyes.

"Relax Asano, I'm not going to kill you" Karma said and looked at Asano carefully, of course his hair as always was perfect, his eyes sharp. He had grown a bit since the last time Karma had seen him, and filled out more too. Asano seemed to be watching Karma just as carefully as Karma was inspecting him. This wasn't much of a greeting, but what else could they expect?

"Alright. What are you doing here?" Asano finally asked, shifting the bag on his shoulders and standing straighter. Karma noticed Asano, he be damned, was taller than him. Karma sighed lazily and leaned on a tree, pulling out his knife and twirling it around in his hands. 

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