A Bit Kinky?

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Karma hadn't expected to be jumped by more than five men, nor did he expect those men to actually win. All he could do now was sit and wait, his hands tied uncomfortably behind his back and a gag shoved down his mouth, a scratchy blindfold over his eyes and ropes all around his body. What's their deal? Why tie me down so heavily?

Some mumbling caught Karma's attention, making him raise his head a bit and cock his head, hands working away at the bonds tied rudely around them, Karma only catching snippets such as, "Leg? No, if it goes wrong we won't be able to use for..." And, "Can the heart take that?"

What the hell are they talking about?

The door of the room swung open again, making Karma lift his head and try to look around, the only thing he saw was dots of light that the cloth couldn't quite block out, men walking into the room and yanking Karma up after undoing all the ropes, shoving him forward into a place Karma didn't know about, thinking quickly that if he could just get this damn knot undone he would be able to escape, and Asano, where was he when you needed the stupid idiot?

"Move!" One man said loudly and pushed Karma forward, the redhead laughing behind the cloth in his mouth as he was turned and shoved into a seat, clamped down again aside from an arm, Karma sadly curious when the gag was taken out of his mouth and the men left.

"Aye! Where are you going? Aren't we going to have a bit of fun? This is a bit kinky, I don't even know your name yet!" Karma instantly started, a smile stretching over his mouth as he probably sounded like a psychopath, "Babbbeeeee I think third base should wait till we are ready!" Karma taunted, there was a click on the side of the room, static crackling through the room before an annoyed voice spoke behind glass and a microphone.

"Now Mr. Akabane, breath normally and this won't hurt a bit." The man said formally and Karma laughed, finally getting one hand free and slapping it over the chain on his arm, his nose picking up a new smell in the room, "Your struggle is useless, just breath"

Karma scoffed only to have it turn into a coughing fit, his body recoiling in now dulling shock, "Fuck! What are you doing to me?!" He yelled angrily, his free arm starting to work on his bonds more, his legs pulling at the bonds relentlessly.

"Sir he isn't down" A doctor said behind the glass in alarm, Karma growling almost animalistic as he tugged harder at his bonds, his mind fighting against everything around him, screaming at him to escape, no, no I will not fail, I will not fail! "Add more!" Another voice shouted loudly, the room becoming a deeper grey haze, making Karma hold his breath, eyes watering. It was almost like the air itself was sinking into his skin, Karma's normally sharp eyes becoming hazy as he finally had to take in a breath of air, head tilting back as his body tried its best to resist again, yet the redhead feeling a heavy weight dropping over his shoulders, making his body fail him, his mind spinning in shock and anger, not even registering when his arm was lifted, then was suddenly gone. In his mind Karma frowned, that was strange, half his body felt almost removed.

Karma didn't know he was screaming until he felt his voice crack and splutter our, his eyes fluttering open slightly, his body jerking as if on its own, pain shooting through his muscles suddenly, voices shouting around him various commands he didn't catch, making it that much more disorientating.


Asano's POV:

Asano put his hand over his mouth in horror as he watched helplessly, his view being at a distance from one sided glass, doctors lined in front of it, looking at various screens as Asano saw the boy he thought he was falling in love with screaming in pain, a large cleaver like object swinging down and slicing Karma's lower arm clean off. Asano slipped into the room and hid in the corner, watching in terror as a mechanical arm was brought forward and spliced with the now spirting red stub of an arm Karma had naturally, long thin arms of metal coming off the mechanical arm and plunging deep into Karma's flesh, the redhead screeching in pain his mind didn't yet let him feel.

There was some muttering from one of the doctor's, Asano seeing the doctors body almost alive with metal, his legs, arms, hands, even parts of his neck shining, "Why is he screaming? His mind should be blocked off from it the pain." The man said almost irritated, fingers moving over the screen in front of him quickly.

"It seems like his mind has created their own antibodies against the AMBR, which should be impossible since its new and scientifically developed to be strong en-"

"I get it" The doctor who spoke before snapped and swiped away the screen in front of him, questions whirling through his mind as to what the hell they could be talking about, and what the hell they were trying to do here, "Didn't he come here with someone else?" The doctor mentioned, his head tilting as Asano shrunk on instinct, hiding under the desk he was near and tucking his feet in.

"Yes sir, camera's caught him in one of the labs not too long ago, shall we send another search party?" One of the scientists asked, the doctor nodding.

"Yes, the more tests the better, oh Mother shall be pleased..."

Asano put a hand over his mouth, shutting his eyes in fear. He wasn't used to feeling such raw emotions, he was stuck frozen in the fear he was taught to fuel him and make him stronger. What is happening around here?

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