Karma Special

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"Oi, what's that?"    

Karma snapped his eyes up, seeing nothing he frowned. "What's what? I don't see anything...Asano?" Karma whipped around, looking around. "Asano what the hell where are you?" He yelled and looked at the ground, where his tracks walked off to the left. Karma looked up just as a shout rang through the air, making Karma run towards the sound. 

What he was met with made him pull out his knife and roar in a battle cry as he jumped. Asano was currently struggling in the arms of three men, the men wearing dark grey outfits, arms around Asano's neck and choking him as he struggled. Asano's foot connected with one of the men's noses before Karma slammed into the other two with a resounding whoop. 

Karma had a sick smile plastered over his face as Asano fell to the ground, both of them getting to their feet quickly and standing back to back as the men stood again and surrounded them. Asano gasped for air as he pulled out two brass knuckles.

"You are under arrest. Do not resist arrest or we will use brutal force!" One of the men yelled, holding out a police baton. 

Asano half considered giving in, but Karma's sharp sarcastic laugh cut that thought out of his mind quickly.

"Oh come on boys! Not even a simple hello? Let's introduce ourselves shall we?" Karma said and stepped beside Asano, the both of them facing opposite ways. "I'm your worst nightmare, as usual, how bout you?" Karma said to Asano and he paled, looking at Karma desperately. Karma laughed and pat his shoulder, pointing his blade at a confused officer.

"You sir! You look like an upstanding citizen!" Karma said and smiled widely, too widely as he stepped towards the men who looked very uncomfortable. "What's your name!" Karma said much too cheerily and suddenly shot forward, slamming his knee into the side of the man's face, "Wait I forgot, I don't give a shit...pity!" Karma taunted the fallen man, stomping his foot down on his jaw and knocking him out. 

"Attack!" The leader of the group yelled, now they were down to two this fight would be easy. Asano glanced back at Karma and he nodded. The both of them stepped back and stood together, holding up their hands. "Men group!" The leader yelled again, Asano cursing and whipping around.

"We got to go!" Asano yelled at Karma and pulled him away, racing away with Karma hot on his heels. The men bounded after them, now five in total. Karma laughed loudly, pulling out some electric buzzers, jumping over a puddle and looking back. As soon as the men's feet passed through the water, Karma whipped the small buzzers right by their feet. 

Long girl-like screams erupted from the men as they got electrocuted, a loud "Oops? Sorry! Didn't see you there!" being called from Karma as the pair of fugitives raced away. Karma was laughing maniacally as they hopped over rocks and through trees.

"Did you see their faces?!" Karma hollered and Asano smirked once they were sure they were out of danger. They climbed up a large tree, sitting in the teer branches as they caught their breath. 

Asano nodded and ran a hand through his hair, "Yea, that was kind of awesome" Asano said and laughed lightly, Karma hitting his shoulder as they sat comfortably in the tree. 

"Kind of? That was a Karma special! Don't diss my work!" Karma said sarcastically and laid his head back against the trunk of the tree. Asano rolled his eyes but didn't answer him. 

A while later Asano sighed, "Okay Karma. I have a plan" He said and cracked his knuckles, looking over at the redhead, "We should make it to the next city, it's about a day's run from here I'm pretty sure, and we can find something to help our city. There has to be something, and other cities had to have noticed us by now..." Asano reasoned and stretched his legs carefully, the wind passing by the two as Karma listened. 

Karma nodded, "Well good sir, that sounds like a plan" 

Sorry it's not very long! Have a lovely day ^-^

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