2- Like Usual

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My alarm went off at 6 am. I groaned and turned it off. I got out of bed and downstairs to eat cereal, like always. While I was eating my mom came downstairs in tears. "Anna...." she sobs. "What mom?" I say in a worried tone. "Your father.....he was framed....he got arrested!" She cried. "Wait what?! How on earth was he framed?!" I yelled. My dad has been on a business trip for about 2 months now in Poland. He's a businessman and travels to different countries for his job for usually a month, sometimes more. "There was a shooting and a man shot a guy in a car and then was somehow able to frame your father for it! I'm not sure how, but he did and the cops bought it!" My mom cried even harder. "Can we get him out?" I asked tearing up. "I'm gonna have to go to Poland to support your father in court. You're going to stay here. I'll only be gone for about 2 weeks. If you ever feel uncomfortable staying here by yourself u can have friends sleeping over or u can stay with friends while I'm gone." She gave a sad smile. I have a sad smile back. You see?! My life is messed up! Why does everything have to happen to me?! My mom went upstairs to pack for Poland, and I went to my room to get dressed for school. I just remembered the new kids are coming today! Great! That'll be so fun! I rolled my eyes and took a deep breath. I looked through my closet for an outfit to wear.

Anna's Outfit

(The white sweater is dark grey in the outfit tho)

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(The white sweater is dark grey in the outfit tho)

When I finished changing I looked around my room, noticing how clean it is. I never noticed that! Wow I'm a good cleaner! But I should go through my clothes soon, a lot of them don't fit me.

Anna's Bedroom

I went to the washroom and did my usual makeup

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I went to the washroom and did my usual makeup. A lot of foundation and concealer, Nude lips, brown eyeshadow, black eyeliner, and mascara. I don't know why but somehow I have so much makeup on, but it doesn't look like a lot. My layers of foundation looks completely natural and looks like I have none on. My concealer too! Damn I have good products! I then did my hair for the day.

Anna's Hair

When I got out of the washroom it was 7am, I have to leave for school in half an hour

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When I got out of the washroom it was 7am, I have to leave for school in half an hour. So I just went on my phone and looked through my texts. Amber and Poppy texted me on our group chat called BFTF(heart emoji) it means Best Frienda Together Forever. I don't know why but we've said that for years.

A= Amber
P= Poppy
An= Anna

A- Do you know anything about the new kids?

P- All I know is that they're twin boys

A- Ooh I can't wait to meet them! You think they'll be cute??

P- Haha (laughing emoji)

A- Lol I'm so excited!

P- Same!! Anna isn't though:(

An- Guys ofc I'm not happy I'm never happy!! (Laughing) but I'll do it I'm not complaining about it I'll be fine!

P- Lol we know!(laughing) see you at school BFTGs!!

A- Bye!

An- C u soon!

I called Amber and we talked for a while until I had to go to school, so she came over. Amber and I walk to school together. Poppy would, but she's like down the street from the school so she can just walk there and wait for us. Amber and I got to school 10 minutes before the bell rang, like usual, and talked to Poppy, who was on the bench near the front entrance, like usual. We all sat down and talked until the bell rang. We walked in and opened our lockers. All our lockers are next to each other, with me on the end, Poppy next to me, and Amber on the other end. The locker next to mine was an empty locker and so was the one next to it. They're probably for the new kids. Ugh today's gonna be a rough day. I sighed and grabbed my books and headed to home room. I sat at the back next to Amber,as usual, while Poppy was in the front, as usual. The teacher asked Amber to move to the empty seat next to her for the new kids to sit next to me. Thanks a lot teacher! We went through the period until Lunch. As I was walking to my locker the home room teacher came up to me. "Hey Anna! The new students are going to be here tomorrow! Their flight was yesterday but got delayed so they left today. Ok?" She said sweetly. I nodded and went to eat lunch. Poppy, Amber and I ate lunch and talked about how dumb school is and all that, then we went to our classes again. After lunch in all my classes I'm by myself except for second-last period. I have that class with Poppy. At the end of the day, I walked home with the girls to my house, like usual. We hung out until 5pm, like usual. When they left my mom came home, like usual, and made dinner. I ate and then went to my room and stayed there for the rest of the night, like usual.

How are you liking the story so far? If u have any ideas plz tell me!! I know I'm eventually gonna run out of ideas! I'm going to ask a question in each chapter, and after the authors note at the end I will put Q: that's the question! Love ya!🖤

Q: Mac or Tinus?

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