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As always, my alarm went off and I got up and got ready for school. I went outside and walked to Marcus & Martinus's house. They gave me their numbers and address so that I can help them and pick them up to walk to school. I knocked on their door and a little girl opened it. "Hi! Who are you?" She asks enthusiastically. "I'm Anna and I'm helping Marcus & Martinus around the town and school." I said. She nodded. "Are they here?" I ask. She nodded again and left. She came back with the twins and then the 3 of us walked to school. "Who was that little girl? Your sister?" I ask Martinus. "Ya she's our little sister. Her name is Emma." He smiled. I smiled back. Martinus is really nice! He's quiet, like me! I feel like him and I would get along really well! Marcus is great, too! He's sweet and thoughtful of others! We walked into school and it's Wednesday, so we have a free period before and after lunch. We have this on Friday, too. We went to our classes and then the free period before lunch! I went to my locker to put my books away and then walked around the corner towards the back door that leads to the field outside where Amber, Poppy and I always go. I walk around the corner and see a group of kids in a circle. I walk closer and see Liam shoving and hitting some girl! I've never seen her before. I think she's new! He's such a pain in the ass he's so mean to everyone for no reason! I made my way through the crowd into the center of the circle and pushed Liam away from the girl. "What the hell is wrong with you?! You pick on people for no reason! You need to learn some respect and quit being a pain in the ass for everyone!" I yelled in his face. He rolled his eyes and walked away with his friends. I looked around and everyone was staring at me! That was the first time in 2 years that I made myself noticeable to everyone! I can't believe I just did that! I turned to the girl behind me. She was against the locker, frozen with fear. I grabbed her hand and took her to the washroom. When we got inside I let go of her hand. "I'm sorry about what happened out there. Liam an asshole and if I were you I'd stay away from him!" I said. "Ok. Thanks for helping me out there." she said shyly, looking at the floor. "That was the first time in years that I made myself noticeable! I'm not a people person! It's a long story." I said to her. She nodded. "I'm Emily. I'm new here." she said quietly. "I'm Anna. I've been here since the beginning of the year." I smiled. She smiled back.

Emily has dirty blonde hair in a ponytail. It's a little wavy, and she has little pieces hanging out in the front. She has pure blue eyes and braces. I think she's really pretty! She has glasses on, but she said she only wears them for reading. She just got out of class so she still had them on. Her and I hung out for the rest of the day with Marcus & Martinus, and at the end of the day her and I exchanged numbers. I walked home with Marcus & Martinus and they came over to study with me. I gave them a quick house tour and then started studying, then we played video games. A couple hours later they went home and then I went to sleep.

I haven't uploaded in a while sorry I just started speeches in school and have been working on that for a bit! Thanks for reading this chapter and I'll try to write more! Love ya!🖤

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