Chapter 2: Save Me

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I know a place that we can go to

A place where no one knows you

They won't know who we are

I know a place that we can run to

And do those things we want to

They won't know who we are

Let me take you there

I wanna take you there

-Let Me Take You There by Plain White T's

As the car drove through Muggle London on the way back to Zabini's, I found myself thinking about the conversation I had with Ginny.

I was blown away seeing my old best friend. She was still the most beautiful girl I had ever seen in my life with her deep crimson hair blowing in the wind, her gorgeous amber eyes, her beautiful smile.

But there was something missing. Her eyes didn't seem to sparkle like they used to when we were at school. Her hair wasn't that fiery color that is used to be that made her head look like it was engulfed in flames when she used to play Quidditch. Her smile wasn't as bright as it was when she would laugh and joke around with Zabini and I on Hogsmeade weekends.

There was a sadness looming over her. She didn't seem like that strong fireball I knew. She seemed timid and introverted. Sure, she tried to put on a great show in front of me, but I saw right through that shit. Something happened to her. Something was happening to her. And I was going to get to the bottom of it.

"Uncle Drayke?" asked Jada pulling me out of my thoughts.

"Yes mamn?" I responded.

"You member Princess Gin.... Ginv...Ginva?" she asked, trying to get Ginny’s name right.

"Princess Ginny" I laughed.

"Yes her. Is she okay? She looked sad."

See Ginny? Even a 4 year old that only saw you for 2 minutes saw past your bullshit.

"She’s okay. She just had a long day and was tired. Like your daddy is sometimes when he works"

"Oh. Okay. Well she is really nice. Maybe one day she can draw with me" said Jada.

The way to Jada's heart was drawing. If you could draw anything properly, you were her friend for life.

"Yeah. Maybe she can. You know she used to draw with Daddy and Uncle in school." I said.

Jada smiled. She liked hearing the very exaggerated kid friendly tales of her father and I in school. Where me, him, and our pretty friend would save people, fly on brooms, and fight evil teachers. They were almost like bedtime stories for her.

We took a street that turned into the wizard suburb that Zabini's mother lived in. When we pulled up to the house, Zabini was already outside, talking to one of the pretty housewives that lived around there.


Jada ran up and gave him a hug. "Guess what Daddy? Uncle Drayke took me for ice cream, and then to the muggle am...a am...aminal place (zoo), and then to the playground. I played with the kids and I met a real princess!" said Jada happily.

"A real princess you say? That's great!' Zabini said humoring his daughter.

"Oh yes Daddy!! Only she didn't have a crown and she didn't wear a big princess dress with jewels on it, but Uncle Drayke said she was his princess before I was his princess so we have to share. She's really really pretty Daddy. She had long red hair and dots on her face."

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