Chapter 9: The Scare

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Ooooh Babe

Don't leave me now

Don't say it's the end of the road

Remember the flowers I sent

I need you Babe

To put through the shredder

In front of my friends

Ooooh Babe

Don't leave me now

How could you go?

When you know how I need You

To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night

-Pink Floyd Don't Leave Me Now

It had been about 3 months since I had seen Harry. He had went into hiding after he did whatever he had done to me. I still couldn't recall it. Every time I would try. It would seem like my mind wouldn't allow me to. And without my testimony, the auror department couldn't start a full investigation. They could only keep an eye out for him, much to Ron's disappointment.

I still had yet to tell Mum and Dad but George and Angelina knew. I had made the mistake of slipping up about it when I had went to visit them. Both Angelina and George was ready to hunt him down after I told them what had been going on, but I didn't want anything to happen to them. They were parents after all. Roxanne didn't need to be away from her parents because of the decisions I had made for myself.

Ron, Draco, and Blaise had started to get along better and surprisingly Ron asked Draco to take Harry's place as best man in his wedding, as he had saved me. Draco surprised me even more by accepting with no hesitation. I was happy that finally all the men that I loved the most were coming together and getting along. Blaise had also granted my wish and made me Jada's godmother which I took even more seriously than Draco sometimes despite the fact that it was usually the both of us that took her out at the same time.

With Ron and Hermione's wedding just a couple weeks away , I found myself getting back to my happiness. I got to see my friends whenever I wanted, I no longer feared being out for too long or going to the wrong place or being around the wrong people. Having all this freedom made me realize just how trapped Harry had me. I found myself getting angry sometimes at the way I allowed that is pman to dictate my life.

I got back in touch with the coach for the Harpies and she assured me that as soon as I was medically cleared (I still had some complications especially with the cruciatus curse) I would be able to come back and play. That is what made me the happiest.

I was starting to get my life back on track. I felt my fire being relit and I strived to gain it back fully. Everything seemed to be falling back into place and I couldn't be more content.

The only thing that was a challenge to me was my feelings for Draco. We had gotten even closer than we were in school due to the fact that I still lived in his house. Ever since we all became friends in my second year, I had always known that my friendship with Draco was on a totally different wavelength than my friendship with Blaise. With Blaise, I had felt that sense of siblings between us despite the fact that he would shamelessly flirt constantly with me. Of course, that was his nature in general.

But with Draco, it always felt different. I always felt a deeper connection with him. There were things that he knew that I couldn't tell Blaise or anybody else. He was the only one that really knew everything about my ordeal with Tom Riddle and how messed up it was. We had gotten so close that people thought we were secretly dating. I remember when I was in my 5th year and Luna had pointed out to me that Draco would look at me the way Ron would look at Hermione. And everybody knew that Ron and Hermione had been in love since they met, despite the fact that they didn't realize it yet. I never saw it, but that was due to the fact that Draco always hid his emotions well. That and the fact that he and Blaise were in their slag stage since their 5th year.

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