Chapter 13: The Wedding (Ginny's Story)

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Part 2 of the wedding helps with the cliffhanger that I so cruelty made. Sorry lol.

My God, who is this man

Who hunts to kill?

I can't escape from him

I never will!

And in this labyrinth,

Where light is blind

The Phantom of the Opera

Is there

Inside my mind

-taken from The Phantom Of The Opera

"I'm so nervous, I'm so nervous, I'm so nervous, I'm so nervous!" repeated Hermione over and over to herself.

"Calm down love, everything is going to go splendidly" said Mrs. Granger. trying to reassure her.

"Oh come on Hermione, why are you acting like this? You've been around Ron since you were 11 years old. You two have practically been married since forever, what's the problem?" I asked her handing her a glass of water.

"What if I rip my dress walking down the aisle? What if my heel breaks? What if I fall? OH MY GOD! WHAT IF RON ISN'T THERE?!" shouted Hermione starting to have a full on panic attack.

I grabbed a book and started fanning her. "You need to calm down Granger! You'll ruin your makeup and I did a fantastic job. You will be gorgeous and you won't fall, rip, or break and Ron will definitely be waiting for you at the end of the aisle."

Hermione looked hopelessly at me. I couldn't help but laugh as I rubbed her hand.

Mum poked her head into the room to let us know that the guys were ready and to give Hermione a calming potion for her nerves.

We all got in line ready to walk into the great hall. I couldn't tell why I was nervous as if this was my wedding or something, but I really felt like my knees were going to give out on me.

When my turn came to walk I tried to focus on what was directly in front of me but as I walked my eyes drifted over to Ron and Draco. Ron looked as if he was about to fall apart which was expected. But when my eyes met Draco's I found myself feeling like I was floating.

He looked absolutely gorgeous in his green dress robes coordinated with my green dress. He had this look on his face like the way he used to look at his favorite broom when he played Quidditch in school. I gave him a wink and walked over to my spot. He mouthed the word "beautiful" and I couldn't help but blush.

I found myself watching my brother as Hermione came down the aisle. He looked at if he was falling in love with her over and over again with each step she took. I found myself tearing up a bit.

I watched them go through the process of exchanging vows. I couldn't help but wonder if I would have the chance to experience the love that my brother and Hermione had for each other. It was real. It was strong. It was unbreakable. And they deserved it.

I suddenly felt as if I was being watched. I looked over and seen that Draco was practically looking into my soul. I started to feel butterflies in my stomach as if I were a teenager again. My heart felt like it was going to leap out of my chest. Why was he affecting me like this? And what's more, why at this very moment? Of all places, a wedding. An event where true love was meant to be declared. I smiled at him as it felt like we were sharing our own moment in our minds. And when the rings were requested that moment had broke.

After the most beautiful kiss I had ever seen, everything went fast. We went outside and took pictures everywhere and came back and joined the reception where Hermione and Ron went to have their first dance as husband and wife.

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