The Journey - Hot and Cold

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Dei took a deep breath as she stepped into the shower stall. She lifted her face up and let the needles of warm water hit her face as she closed her eyes and allowed herself to relax.

She felt drained, and a bit depressed actually. She was growing tired of RJ making a huge deal about JC when the guy hasn't even done anything to deserve it. She could understand why RJ would be so wary all the time, he had been cheated on before, but what she couldn't understand was how he couldn't seem to trust her love for him no matter what she tells him.

She was beginning to wonder if she was the problem. She knew RJ had been begging her to go back to TrendBuzz, but she had been refusing to do so because she didn't want to go back to being a simple researcher. She remembered how it was, before she was assigned to do the experiment with RJ. She had been bored to death and was wondering how her dream job had suddenly become so stagnant. She couldn't go back to that now, especially after being able to experience handling a team and completing a successful project as an actual manager. Working in Hearst may not be as relaxed as it was in TrendBuzz - everyday was actually like going through hell because of the amount of workload being given and the strict deadlines that came with them, not to mention the stiffness of most people she had to work for - but at least in Hearst her creativity was being challenged, and in Hearst, she was a boss.

She gathered her wet hair to the side and heaved another sigh before reaching for the bottle of shampoo.


She paused when she heard RJ's voice and felt him wrap her arms around her waist. She didn't notice him come in and got a bit startled. She glanced at him over her shoulder and he kissed her forehead at once. He pulled her closer against him and pressed his face against the crook of her neck.

Dei closed her eyes and took another deep breath. Having RJ's arms around her had always felt so good, and this time was not an exception. No matter how upset she was with him, being this intimate with RJ still gave her the best comfort.

"You're being distant," he whispered.

"I'm just tired," she answered. "And I don't know what to feel anymore."

"I'm sorry, Dei..."

She heaved another sigh and allowed herself to lean against his chest. "JC and I are going to work together for another project in February, right before next year's fashion week."

"I know."

"It's a huge one RJ, and I need to be able to focus on it without worrying that we'd end up having another fight because of him. He's not even doing anything, babe," she whined, her frustration evident in her voice, and RJ held her closer.

"Okay," he said simply.

"What do you mean 'okay'?"

"Okay, do your thing. I promise not to give you a hard time. Do what you have to do," he murmured, "I'll try not to be jealous, or if I do, I won't bug you about it anymore. I'll keep it to myself."

"Babe," she said, giving him a reproachful look. She didn't think keeping his ill feelings to himself would be any better.

"Don't mind me. I'm just being stupid, but it'll pass," he said softly. "But please promise me one thing, Dei. If he, by any means, tries to make a pass at you, let me know right away. And then stay the hell away from him."

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