The Warrior and Archer Part 1.

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A warrior, walking in the foggy woods, was hunting for food. Stalking a deer ready to attack. But, the warrior’s eye saw an arrow, flying through the air, hitting the deer in the neck, instantly killing the deer. The warrior watched silently to see if someone was coming to get the dead deer. Nobody came, as the warrior crawled slowly, quietly towards the dead deer, an arrow was getting ready to shoot. The warrior heard the arrow through the wind and caught it in thin air, barely touching her head. The warrior stood up, looking for the person who shot the arrow. “ Who’s there?” Said the warrior with a deep voice. The archer appeared around the tree in front of her, a few feet away from her. “ I was just hunting. I  didn’t know there was going to be someone else here.” Said the archer. “ Well okay, what’s your name?” Said the warrior confused. “ Zafrina.” Said Zafrina’s voice softly. “ Okay, my name is Vanessa. I’ve never seen you where I live before.”  Said Vanessa going to the deer and pulling out the arrow with the blood gushing out of it’s wound. “ That’s because a lot of people don’t like an archer, they say that archer’s are scared that’s why they use long range weapons. I’m not scared, I’m just talented at it. I like archery. I just try to hide away from people.” Said Zafrina looking down sadly. “ Oh, were you always lonely?” Said Vanessa while wiping the blood off the arrow. “ Yes, I got used to it. You’re the first person who talked to me in a while. I’m glad.” Said Zafrina while her head held high in the air looking at sky smiling. “ Here’s your arrow’s back and let’s hunt together and be friends with each other, and talk to each other everyday. Anybody who threatens you, I will threaten them back.” Vanessa said handing the arrow’s to Zafrina and putting her hand on Zafrina’s shoulder. “ Yeah.” Said Zafrina with a soft smile on her face. “ Oof!” Said Zafrina tripping over a root from a tree. “ Hey, you okay?” Said Vanessa while running towards her and helping her up. “  Yes. I’m fine. Just a bit clumsy.” Said Zafrina wiping the dirt off her legs and arms. “ Okay. Just be more careful than. So how old are you?” Said Vanessa grabbing the deer and dragging the deer. “ I’m fourteen, I know I’m young to be by myself.” Said  Zafrina. “ Oh, well I was by myself ever since I was eight. My parents died. I’m eighteen now.” Said Vanessa trying not to cry. “ Oh, I’m sorry. I had no idea. How do you stay so strong and happy? Your parents died. My parents died to. Not too long ago.” Said Zafrina with tears running down her face. “ I don’t know and please don’t cry. I just learned how to cope with it, I guess.” Said Vanessa with her tears running down her face also. Zafrina hugs Vanessa, she stopped walking and let’s go of the deer and hugs her back, both crying.

“ You know, I never cried in a long time.”  Said Vanessa still hugging Zafrina. “ I hope I become as strong as you one day.” Said Zafrina wiping her tears and letting go of the hug. “ You will be. One day.” Said Vanessa wiping her tears and grabbing the dear and dragging it again. They walked silently. Not saying one word until they saw the village.

“ There’s the village. I’m scared. They might threaten me again.” Said Zafrina pointing at the village and with a scared expression on her face. “ Don’t be scared. You are with me.” Said Vanessa with a smile on her face and walking towards the village. “ Okay then, but I still am scared.” Said Zafrina walking behind Vanessa. As they got in the village everyone was staring at them. They heard people whispers saying ‘ Hey look, why is the strongest girl hanging out with weakest girl?’ “ Hey, just because she is an archer doesn’t mean she is weak, she is stronger than you. Believe it.” Said Vanessa getting mad at the boys who whispered that to each other. “ What? I didn’t say anything.” Said the boy. “ Don’t lie to me!” Said Vanessa while she pulled out a knife and held it against his neck. “ S-Sorry! I won’t say anything again!” Said the boy frightened and showing that he surrendered. “ That’s what I thought.” Said Vanessa pulling the knife away from his neck and putting it in her side pocket. Zafrina watched the whole thing, she smiled in relief. They kept walking. The deer was now making a trail of blood from the wound. They got to Vanessa’s house. “ You got nice house. Deer heads on the wall. Furs. A lot of meat!” Said Zafrina while entering Vanessa’s home. “ Thanks. I hunt a lot. You never know when someone else needs some meat.” Said Vanessa while putting the deer on the table. “ Yes, you are really nice, but is scary and serious when it comes to hunting or fighting. Right?” Said Zafrina said questioning her and looking at the dead foxes. “ Yes. I am serious. But I heard the kingdom needs some help for the war because they are going low on men.” Said Vanessa as if she wanted to join. “ You want to join. Don’t you? Well if you do, I want to go in also.” Zafrina said with a big smile on her face. “ It will be too dangerous for you. You are only fourteen. I mean your shooting skills are good. But you will have to act fast when people are after you, wanting to kill you.” Said Vanessa. It went silent again while Vanessa was preparing the deer for food and furs. Zafrina was thinking that she should join without telling Vanessa, but she didn’t want to die, she decided to go when she went. But not letting Vanessa seeing her, that was gonna be tough. “ I guess I won’t go because you are going to get too concerned over me. I’ll just get in your way.” Said Zafrina looking down sad. But she was faking to be sad. “ Good you can stay here while I’m fighting over there. Anybody picks on you when I’m gone, just tell me when I’m back. If i come back.” Said Vanessa looking sad while saying. “ Oh, how do you wanna die? If it’s okay for you to answer.” Said Zafrina while walking over to Vanessa. “ I’ve wanted die by saving someone’s life while fighting. So I know I did something good in my life.” Said Vanessa turning around to put the meat on another table. “ Oh, well that would feel good knowing that you saved a persons life.” Said Zafrina smiling. “ Yes.” Said Vanessa. Zafrina looked outside and had a shocked looked on her face. “ Come here Vanessa. Look.” Said Zafrina while pointing outside. “ Oh no.” Said Vanessa running outside. “ Stay there! Don’t move! I’ll be right back!” Said Vanessa. “ Hey! Wait! Okay..” Said Zafrina sitting on the floor with her bow and arrow ready to shoot if someone came in the house. Some warriors and archers  from the other side of the world came here to take over this side of the world. They made an agreement between the two kings. Whoever dies first gets the other side of the world. The good king died first because he was poisoned by the bad king. The good king, King Michael, and the bad king, King Luke. King Luke is the one who poisoned King Michael. It was his army. “ Damn..I knew he was gonna do something like this.” Said Vanessa getting ready to fight. “ Oh no please no...don’t come in this house!” Said Zafrina scared and ready. “ Vanessa! Vanessa! Where are you? Come help us fight!” Screamed the people running and screaming in fear. Fires were starting, people lying dead on the ground already. Vanessa jumped out with two swords, one in each hand, she killed as many men as possible and the army noticed that she was killing too many at a time. They all went after her. She was ready. The swords swooped through the air quickly killing all the men. Except for one. She was exhausted. Zafrina stood up and quietly and quickly ran behind the last man. Zafrina shot him and he died instantly. But more men were coming, Vanessa heard the chains and horses. Vanessa ran towards Zafrina and swooped Zafrina off her feet. She carried Zafrina and ran into the woods. “ Hey aren’t you too weak to be carrying me and running?” Said Zafrina worried. “ Be quiet! I know what I’m doing!” Said Vanessa with a strong voice. They got deeper into the woods and rested under a tree. “ I’ve never seen a fight like before.” Said Zafrina frightened. “ I’ve seen worse and been in worse.” Said Vanessa leaning against a tree breathing heavily. “ Oh yes I almost forgot, thanks for killing that last man I forgot to kill.” Said Vanessa with smile on her face as it was a relief for being still alive. “ You’re welcome. Are you truly the strongest girl?” Said Zafrina while looking for water. “ I don’t know. People say I am but I’m not sure.” Said Vanessa wiping her forehead. Zafrina found water and drank it she also waved at Vanessa to come over there for water. Vanessa walked over there a drank so much water. “ Wow, you are thirsty. Well I guess I should of saw that coming because you did fight quickly because you knew that there was going to be more men coming and you wanted to get out of there.” Said Zafrina wiping the water off her face.” Yeah. I didn’t want to see you get hurt.” Said Vanessa also wiping water off her face. They sat down leaning against a tree, Vanessa started to cry, because she has been hiding a secret from Zafrina. Vanessa’s love, Fredrick, went to the war a long time ago and didn’t come back yet. “ What’s wrong?” Said Zafrina looking worried for Vanessa. “ Oh, it’s nothing.” Said Vanessa trying to stop crying, she couldn’t, she just cried even more. It was silence for a little while. “ I’ll be okay, it’s just I haven’t told you something that I’ve been hiding from you.” Said Vanessa wiping her tears and trying to crack a smile on her face. “ Oh, would you mind telling me?” Said Zafrina trying to comfort Vanessa. “ Yes, I will tell you. My love, Fredrick, went to war a long time ago, and he didn’t come back yet. He promised me he would come back. But, I think he’s gone.” Said Vanessa. “ Oh, I’m sorry. It must really hurt.” Said Zafrina with a sad expression on her face. It was silent again, Vanessa heard men coming to them, the crunches of leafs and the snapping of sticks. “ Oh no, we got to go. Just follow me, stay close and be quiet.” Said Vanessa keeping an eye out for the men. Zafrina nodded her head. They were walking slowly and Vanessa knew that the men were close by. Zafrina screamed, she was caught by one of the men. Vanessa turned around and kicked the man in the face and punched him. He fell to the ground in pain, letting go of Zafrina. “ Go, go, go.” Said Vanessa wrapping her arm around Zafrina and protecting her. Two men jumped from above them and landed in front of them. Vanessa pulled out a knife and was getting ready for one or both of them to attack. They both went at her at a fast speed. “ Stand back, Zafrina!” Said Vanessa. Vanessa pulled out another knife. One of the two men got Zafrina again. Vanessa killed one and was about to attack the other. He was gone with Zafrina. Vanessa was sad and she knew she had to look for Zafrina. “ I knew it. I should of trained more. I got weaker and slower. I must train, after I get Zafrina if I have time.” Said Vanessa following the other men who went by her. Meanwhile with Zafrina. “ Hey! Let me go!” Said Zafrina trying to hit him. “ Why should I? We need an archer. Well actually we need you. To tell us about the warrior you were with.” Said the man running fast. “ I have a name. It’s Zafrina. And I’m not going to tell you anything about her! No matter what you do! I won’t say anything!” Shouted Zafrina grabbing an arrow and stabbed him in the side with it. “ Hey! That hurt. It’s not my orders. It’s the King’s orders.” Shouted the man pulling the arrow out of his side and throwing it. “ Oh yes, the stupid King. I can’t believe the good King died. This King needs to die though! He makes nothing but sadness and pain. Not happiness and light.” Said Zafrina starting to cry. “ Miss. I know you’re right. But I don’t want to die. I have to listen to the orders of the King. Please don’t cry, that’s my weakness, a girl crying.” Said the man sadly. It was silent between the two until they got to the castle. He throwed her towards the King’s feet and Zafrina is just lying there crying and looking up at the King. “ So this is her? The warrior?” Said King Luke standing up. “ No my King, but she is a friend of the warrior. She knows things about the warrior.”  Said the man kneeling down to King Luke. “ Tell me little girl, what’s your name and your friend’s name?” Said King Luke. “ My name is Zafrina, I’m not telling you anything about my friend, the warrior!” Said Zafrina getting ready for pain to hit her. “ Listen, Zafrina, we can do this the easy way or hard way, don’t make it hard for me. I hate torturing little girls like you.” Said King Luke with his voice getting louder. “ No! I will never tell you anything about her!” Said Zafrina curling up into a ball. “ Fredrick take her away for torture until she decides to tell me anything about her.” Said King Luke. ‘ Fredrick? Fredrick…’ Said Zafrina remembering what Vanessa said. “ You won’t talk to the King so be it.” Said Fredrick with a mean voice. Fredrick tied her hands together and tied her to a chair. Hitting her with a wip. “ Tell me anything about her. Anything!” Said Fredrick hitting her. “ No! Never! I will never say anything about her!” Said Zafrina crying closing her eyes tightly to try deal  with the pain. “ Tell me. Tell me. Tell me!” Said Fredrick hitting harder and shouting.  “Make everyone leave this room and I’ll tell you, Fredrick.” Said Zafrina with her tears continuing rolling down her face. “ Fine. Everyone leave. Zafrina will talk to me.” Said Fredrick waving the people to leave the room. All of the people left. “ You know her, she is your love.” Said Zafrina looking into Fredrick’s eyes. “ What? I don’t remember.” Said Fredrcik with a confused look on his face. “ Her name is Vanessa.” Said Zafrina. “ Oh my, I remember now, I promised I would come back, I haven’t. I left her. I can’t believe this.” Said Fredrick looking sad. “ Listen, she told me about you. She misses you alot. We have to get out of here. She is looking for me.” Said Zafrina with her tears not coming out of her eyes anymore. “ Yes. I don’t want her to get in-” he got interrupted when Vanessa entered the room with all the guards lying dead on the ground behind her and with two swords in each hand breathing heavily. “ Zafrina!” Vanessa said running towards her untying  her hands and letting her go. “ Vanessa. I found him.” Said Zafrina with a smile. “ No I don’t believe you.” Said Vanessa putting away the swords away and grabbing Fredrick while putting a knife close to his neck. “ Listen, you will tell King Luke to leave me and my town alone.” Said Vanessa with her voice getting mad. “ Vanessa. You got stronger, braver, and wiser.” Said Fredrick with a smile on his face and tears rolling down his face. Vanessa got mad and putting the knife closer to his neck, barely touching his neck. “ Is it really you Fredrick?” Said Vanessa.  “ Yes. Zafrina helped me remember. I’m glad i got to see you again. I’m sorry I didn’t come back.” Said Fredrick. Vanessa putting the knife away and letting him go. “ Fredrick.” Said Vanessa. “ Vanessa.” Said Fredrick. They both started crying and hugged each other for a long time. Zafrina just smiled at them. “ It’s fine. I can’t  believe you are alive. I thought you were gone.” Said Vanessa still hugging him tightly. “ I forgot about the promise and you. I’m truly sorry. I’m going to be with you and your side from now on. No matter what. But we do have to go. And you got a lot stronger, I can barely breath.” Said Fredrick letting go of her. “ Oh sorry. And yes we better get going.” Said Vanessa also letting go of him. They all ran out of the room trying to figure out where the exit is. They got cornered by guards. “ Fredrick? What are you doing? You are on our side, not theirs!”  Said one of the men. “ I know, but I decided I’m going on the other side. With my love.” Said Fredrick getting ready to attack them. But it was too late. It happened so fast they caught Vanessa. “ Vanessa!” Said Zafrina and Fredrick at the same time. “ No! I forgot about our ninja!” Said Fredrick with a frightened face. The man took her away and tied her hands together and brought her to the King. “ Give her back!” Said Zafrina grabbing her bow and arrow. Fredrick was already fighting them and overpowering them because he was mad for grabbing and taking his love away. “ Give Vanessa back!” Shouted Fredrick while attacking the men. Zafrina was shooting and killing men faster than she thought she could. Vanessa’s weapon’s were taken away so she couldn’t hit the King. “ What do you want with me? King Luke.” Said Vanessa giving him an evil look. “ Oh nothing. I just want to kill you because you will be too strong for the war. You will win if you were in it.” Said King Luke. Vanessa was giving him the meanest, ugliest look at King Luke. “ Take her away. I just wanted to say that. Chop off her head.” Said King Luke walking out of the room. “ I’ll be watching the whole thing.” Said King Luke. Vanessa was getting ready to die. “ Where is she? Tell me!” Said Fredrick jumping on a man and holding a sword against his chest getting ready to stab him. “ She is going to die! She is going to die! By getting her head chopped off! Please don’t kill me!” Said the man. “ Die?” Said Zafrina. Fredrick slowly pushed the sword into his chest until it went through his whole body. “ I know where. Follow me.” Said Fredrick running. “ Okay.” Said Zafrina following Fredrick. Vanessa was walking up the steps and bending down onto her knees and laying her neck on the stool. The axe went up in the air. Fredrick came running towards the man with the axe about to chop of Vanessa’s head and kicked him in the stomach and sliced his throat with his knife.

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