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The boys keep calling me and sending me text messages so I decided to turn off my cellphone.

I already packed up my things and ready to leave the place.

I'll comeback later though, to finish the administration so I can continue my study in Busan.

I take the last look at the room before I close the door.

There are so many memories in this room.

The memories of my sadness, my happiness, and suddenly our first met comes up into my mind.

I still remember that time, you were sitting in the dorm's bunk bed and greet me with blanket all over your body, leaving only your face.

It was dark and to be honest, it was kinda scary for me. But you smile and told me "let's be friend from now".

You're the first to greet me and helped me through the hard times of adaptation in our school's dorm.

You're my first room-mate since junior high and we spent our senior high times together too.

The moment I realized I have a special feeling for you was when I saw you kissing a girl that you've been dating for about a month.

Like, seriously?

You only knew a girl for a month then you decided to kissed her and dated her, while me who have been with you longer than her never got a chance to know what it feel likes to be kissed by you.

It made me jealous and decided to take a distance from you, but you captured me again with your warm attitude.

You break up with her and gives your attention to me, I thought I finally got my chance to say about this feeling, but you decided to stay with Minhyun.

I was hurt by that.

It still hurt until now.

I close the door with a sigh.

I must forget about those memories.



"Are you really have to leave us?" Baekho suddenly standing in front of me.

"Yeah," I said briefly and take my suitcase, walking passed him who lean his back on the hall's wall.

"Can't you reconsider it again, Ren-ah? We already know each other for so long. We promised to graduate together." Baekho still trying to persuade me but that won't work.

"No, it's already fixed." I keep on walking, without looking back at Baekho.

It hurts me to say goodbye to him like this.

I have to try hard not to let the tears falls from my eyes again.

"Ren-ah, you know we really care for you. If you have a problem, let's talk about it, I'm sure we'll figure out another solution for your problem." Baekho walks behind me.

"There's no other way. This is the only way."

I forced myself to smile.

It still feels uneasy but I already learn how to act, so the moment when I stare at Baekho's face, I'm already wear my mask, my other persona: Ren, the doll-face boy.

"It's gonna be alright. You guys can continue without me."

"It will never be the same without you," Aron-hyung now standing in front of the hallway door. His eyes looks sad.

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