Chapter Two

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Authors Note:  The name of the girl is going to be Skylar. I found it an it was kinda pretty sooo that's gonna be it..

I'm on the bus trying to think how I'm going to tell all my friends that I'm moving tonight. Yeah I still haven't told them. I told them I was moving but I didn't tell them when.  The bus pulled up to my school. Everybody got off. I was walking behind Jack and Jason. As soon as I was about to go down the stairs the bus driver pulled my arm.

"I'm gonna need you to stay on"

Oh great. This means she's gonna make me stay on the bus while everyone goes to there classes I'll be late.

"What this time?" I said clearly annoyed.

"Don't act like you don't know, you spilled candy or something" she hissed

"Look I really don't know wha-"

"Don't play stupid with me. I know you did it okay? So I'll see you after on the bus for the next week and your gonna sweep it every morning and afternoon. Okay?"

"As much as I would love to do that"
I said standing up and resting my fingertips on the bus seat.

"I can't, so how about we just drop this whole thing yeah?" I said, my voice full of attitude.

"Um I don't think so, I think you'll be here at 3 to clean the bus." She said trying to mock my attitude and I.

"Actually" I said holding on the 'y'
"I'm being picked up at school at 1. I said like a typical teenager.

"Then I guess I'll see you tomorrow"she said with the same attitude.

" Well again, your wrong, cause I'm going to Canada tonight" I said eagerly

"Wow that's the oldest excuse in the book" said my bus driver.

"Really cause I don't think ever heard that one?" I mumbled and crossed my arms.

She started talking and I walked off the bus.

"Excuse me I'm talking to you!" She yelled

"I really don't care" I yelled back while walking away. She got off the bus and followed me.

I walked into the school and great. First period was about over. Oh well I'm missing math. I have an 'A' in it anyway. I put my books in my locker for later. I walked to math and when I opened the door everyone looked at me. I hate when that happens.

"Where were you at Skylar?" Said my math teacher Mr. Smith.

"My bus driver kept me on the bus, she had to talk to me" I said, shrugging my shoulders.

"Well do you have a pass?" He said with a look saying 'are you stupid' on his face.

"Um no" I said and looked around as the class started laughing.

"Well if you don't have a pass I'm going to have to give you detention" he said shaking his head and writing something on a paper.

"But I won't even be he-"

"No buts, detention at 3"

"Whatever" I said walking to my seat.
I looked over and saw Jack laughing.

"What?" I said with a confused face.

"Nothing" he said trying to stop laughing.

"No tell me, you can't just do that" I said hopefully.

"It's nothing really" he said, holding back laughter.  I rolled my eyes and turned away.

"Skylar if it was really important I would tell you." He said looking at me

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