02. | V U L T U R E S

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IF Destini thought that she was going to scare me off by barring me from Carter's funeral well, let's just say she had another thing coming. I honestly didn't expect her to want me there let alone tolerate having me there so I wasn't surprised. Stoni, maybe because she kept a more low profile when it came to matters about Carter but she knew I was good and ready to throw all my shit in her face had she let me up in there.

I wouldn't have let her come to the funeral either had I been in charge so I guess you could say she's sort of a smart girl for that. You see anytime you put me and Destini in a room together there's bound to be an issue and Carter's bound to be right at the center of it.

She's got a personal vendetta against me because she couldn't keep her husband out of my bed and that's supposed to be my problem? Des was never meant for Carter anyway so why he stayed with her up until he died is so beyond me. I loved him so much more than her and in ways that even he couldn't comprehend. Carter never had to worry about me going astray from him had he put me in Destini's spot because I knew I could have been a better mother and wife than that ghetto bitch ever could. But I guess that's the way it is with around the way sweethearts - - he just couldn't leave her in the past.

It's funny because Destini actually thinks that Carter really did love her like he claimed he did when they tied the knot. If he loved her so dearly then why was he with me? Why was he fucking Stoni - - he straight up saved her ass. Why was Carter out in the streets doing him if he was so in love with Destini like she likes to throw up in my face? I can't stand that bitch because her problem is she thinks just because she got his last name, just because she's wifey, she can act like she's better than me and my son which definitely isn't the case.

She walks around like she's the only bitch that looks good in a pair of Prada pumps and a Vera Wang dress which once again is not the case. Destini thinks that she can treat my son like dirt because he didn't come from her; point blank she's a simple bitch.

Destini's in her feelings because out of her, Stoni, and myself, I'm the only one of Carter's that had a boy. She was mad when Stoni gave her daughter, Zyair Carter's last name; I took that shit a step further and named my son after Carter in it's entirety - - CARTER RYAN MEKHI JR and I felt no remorse behind doing it either because Carter always wanted someone to carry on his legacy whether he told Destini or not and it's not my fault that I just so happen to create that one.

Destini could be mad all she wanted to, my child is and forever will be a direct descendant of Carter Ryan Mekhi Sr and she'll just have to live with it.

So, why should I feel shame for having a child by a man that I loved? Whether he was married or not, I loved him with all my heart and I would have done anything for Carter if he asked me to. My love was so real and so true that even those words couldn't do my feelings for him justice. And even though Carter hurt me a time or two I still always had him in my heart - - I wanted to belong to him.

I did everything in my power to break Destini and Carter apart but it killed me that only death could sever them. My love for him was so unconditional and I know he took advantage of that shit at times but I couldn't help but love him still even knowing he took advantage of my weakness for him. I did things to him and for him that Destini and Stoni just couldn't do.

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