Chapter 10: Coming Back (Violet)

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Chapter 9: coming back (Violet)


"Violet stand back. It won't do him any good if you stand in the way of the gurney."

"No, not again! I refuse to lose yet another person to this god forsaken sport! Tucker, let me go!!"

"Look Vi, he is okay now. He is still moving and he is on the gurney. Everything is going to be okay," he whispers to me. Tucker is holding me in a tight hug with his arms around my waist, his back to the scene in the ring. The tears are rolling down my face and I can't help but think that he is going to end up like my dad. "Violet, he will not end up like your father. They have learned from that. Please calm down."

I sob so much that when I start to shake, I fall to the ground. Tucker holds me close and even pulls me onto his lap. We are on the ground for a minute when someone taps on my shoulder. I turn to see who it is and through blurry vision, I see one of the EMT guys.

"Ms. Anderson, Mr. Thompson has requested your presence on the ambulance."

"O-okay, I'll be right there."

Tucker helps me up off the ground and keeps a close eye on me as I walk towards the ambulance. The lady in the back of the ambulance helps me up and has me sit directly next to him. She notices that I'm a little shaky so she tells me that he is going to be okay. I wonder if she knows who I am and who my father was.

"Hey Violet," Tyler says once the lady goes to the front to talk to the driver.

"H-hey, T-tyler."

"Don't be scared Vi. You're not the one they are rushing to the hospital this time. By the way, you can go ahead and say I told you so. You were right and I'm sorry for yelling and not listening when you and Tucker warned me."

"Just so you know, if you die I'm going to bring you back to life and kill you myself," I say with a small smile. He gives a small laugh before he opens his hand and reaches for mine. I gently take his hand, trying not to hurt him. After a minute, something gives in inside me and I lean forward and put my head on top of his hand. I drift off to sleep in no time.

"Sleep tight Violet," I hear him say before his free hand rests on the back of my head.

----------- Dream Sequence begin -----------

When I wake up, Tucker is holding me on his lap in the waiting room of the hospital. I try to lift my head up but it feels like it weighs a ton. To my surprise, my whole body feels heavy. I can open my eyes, but I can't move my body.

"Take it easy sweetheart," a voice I haven't heard in awhile says. "Everyone is okay."

"Daddy, what's going on?"

"They are working on your friend baby. I promise he is going to be okay. He might not be able to ride again though. That depends on how much damage Rango dealt."

"Why can't I move?"

"Tucker has his arms wrapped around you still. Just like always."

"Daddy I'm scared."

"Don't be, everyone on the circuit is okay. Tyler is the only one injured, but I promise that he is going to okay and he will live. Daddy has to go now okay princess. Stay strong and remember that I love you."

"Daddy no," I yell as his voice fades.

-------------- End Dream Sequence-------------

"Daddy come back," I yell as I fling myself up.

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