Trapped ~*~*~ Percy Jackson

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Percy woke up four times after being knocked out the first time. All he knew was that he was protecting a severely wounded Annabeth from a mob of Empousa and Dracene when something, or someone, hit him in the back of the head. Hard. Then everything went black.

"He's waking up again." A voice hissed as Percy squeezed his eyes shut trying to think through the pounding headache he currently was suffering through. "Should I knock him out again?" For a few moments, no one spoke.

"Let him wake up." A gentler voice said. "Then I'll think of what to do with him. Now leave." The person-Percy assumed it was a girl-must've been a daughter of Aphrodite because her voice held so much charmspeak that Percy wanted to jump up and run out, despite the immense amount of pain that he was feeling. Not Percy wanted to stay, he just didn't want to be told what to do by someone he didn't even know.

The first voice growled something incoherent then said, "As you wish, my lady." Then, with a lot of shuffling, hissing and 'oofs', the creature-Percy assumed it was a monster-was gone. Hopefully.

"Uhgh..." Percy groaned then pulled his arms down to rub his pounding head, but to his surprise, he couldn't. Percy's eyes shot open before you could say, 'Sparkly Poseidon!'

"Hey, hey. Calm down." The girl said, but Percy paid no attention to her.

"Where am I?" He exclaimed looking around frantically. His mind not processing anything that he was seeing until his terrified sea green eyes landed on a mop of blonde hair and limbs. Percy was afraid to say it. "A-Annabeth?" He gasped. The person moved then slowly looked up.

"H-hey, Seaweed Brain." She murmured, flashing Percy a weak smile. Percy's terrified expression turned into a furious one when he saw the cuts and bruises that littered her body.

"What did you do to her?!" Percy yelled angrily. He lunged forward towards the girl, but he was quickly pulled back by layers of rope that bound his wrists behind his back and around a slim pole. He growled and tried to stand up, but he quickly realized that his ankles were also bound together by layers of rope.

"Good." The girl stated while she watched Percy struggle against the restraints that she so expertly tied. "There are a few things that I need. Then I can let you go." Percy stopped struggling. "Or do whatever I want." She added slowly leaning towards Percy with every word.

Percy sneered. "What?" He spat earning a slap.

"Do not answer me like that, Perseus Jackson." The girl hissed. Percy growled and bit back another snappy comment and got a good look at the girl.

Percy gasped when he finally saw her. "Drew?" He asked. She slapped him again.

"Drew is gone. She died when she was banished from Camp Half-Blood, her home, a year ago. I am Dylah."

Percy blinked twice trying to process what she had just said. "What happened to you, Drew?" Percy earned another slap. His face was starting to hurt.

"I don't want to hear that name again!" She yelled glaring murderously at the son of Poseidon.

Percy sneered again, but didn't respond.

"Now," Dylah said more calmly than before. "For your questions. Weren't there like three? Four?" Percy stayed silent. Dylah frowned. "Well, if you don't want answers, I could just-"

"Wait." Percy sighed as Dylah turned to leave the dark and musty room that Percy wanted so desperately to get Annabeth and himself out of. "Tell me what I want to know." Dylah looked at him warningly. "Please?" He added reluctantly. Dylah smiled contently.

"Good. Now that I think of it, I remember you had four questions." She said sickly sweet. "Correct?" Percy nodded stiffly recounting his questions. "The first one-"

"Where am I." Percy interrupted. "Where are we?"

"Don't interrupt me, Perseus." Seethed Dylah. Percy sneered in annoyance. He was getting really irritated with Drew, or as she insisted, Dylah. All he wanted to do was, find a way out of these stupid ropes, free Annabeth, and beat their captors to a pulp. He didn't care if Tartarus was on Dylah's side, he was going to do it. Or rather, he wished he could. Anything to ensure Annabeth's safety and well-being.

"Sorry." He mumbled angrily. Dylah's eyes blazed with anger. Without a word, she stormed over to the corner of the room on Percy's right where a floor to ceiling cabinet stood, and grabbed something out of it. Percy didn't see what she grabbed, but he knew that it wasn't anything that was going to help him. Or Annabeth for that matter.

When Dylah had finally stormed back over to reclaim her usual spot in front of Percy, her anger didn't subside at all.

"L-leave him alone, Dr-Dylah." Annabeth said weakly. She put on a brave act to talk to Dylah like she had and Percy was so happy to see that Annabeth was still there, but he was also terrified of what Dylah might do to his Wise Girl.

"And what are you going to do about it?" Dylah asked smugly as she made her way over to Annabeth. Percy started struggling furiously as Dylah slowly knelt next to Annabeth who was trying to scoot herself away from the psycho daughter of Aphrodite.

Why can't she move away? Percy thought, fear and confusion coursing through his body like a drug making him sick to his stomach. Then he saw the chains and shackles. Annabeth's hands and feet were chained to the wall behind her and on the left of Percy.

"Aw." Dylah cooed stroking Annabeth's blood caked blonde hair. "Do you not have a plan, daughter of the wise Athena?" Annabeth breathed heavily as she jerked her head away, but Dylah held fast. "I am the boss here. And I can do whatever I want. If you try to stop me, there will be consequences." Dylah warned lacing her words with a small amount of charmspeak. Annabeth whimpered not being able to resist the charmspeak. Dylah smiled smugly and threw Annabeth down. Then she stormed back over to Percy who was still trying to break free of the ropes and help his Wise Girl.

"Leave her alone." Percy seethed as he continued tug against the ropes and the pole. "She has nothing to do with this."

"Weather or not you understand her importance to me." Dylah winced. "To us, is out of your concern."

"Is it?" Percy spat. So much venom was dripping from his voice that the daughter of Aphrodite actually flinched in fear. But fortunately for her, the son of Poseidon was too angry to notice. "Because she is my girlfriend. The love of my life, and I will do anything to protect her. So yes, it is my concern on what happens to Annabeth. To my Wise Girl."


Soooo this is just a randomish short story that I came up with. There are 2 alternate endings. One is Percy's death and the other is Percabeth related. You're just going to have to wait and find out what it is when I post it! XD XD Love you all!! Peace out!!

~S. Joy

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