Don't you love it when you get an idea for a frerard story but you already have at least 17 if not more in your drafts.
Like I have SO MANY IDEAS.
But the PROBLEM is that I can't start them half the time.
Like I have one frikey story that I've been trying to write for my friend wjo I cant remember their username -_- ---You know who u are human---And I'm stuck on it bUT thE amOunT oF fReRArD i hAVe IN mY dRaFts iS SuFFocatInG tHe LiFe oUTta mE.
Sounds like fun i know.
But my brain has too many idEAS and I HAVE to write them down.
Like my science journal has more stories than notes and science shit it's that bad.
But I'm just complaining aren't I?
Does anyone else relate?
*tumble weeds*
Ok...thats fine...have a nice weekend everyone...
Confessions of Somewhat Asshole With A Cute-Ass Smile
Randomhere for you guys to hear all my juicy and somewhat shitty confessions of anything and everything. You could call this a rant book but its not but eh.