[OLD] Part 3: A few miniutes later.

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"He sure is taking his sweet time.." Henry mumbled, Standing up. "Perhaps i should check on and see what's taking them so long."

He listened to his own footsteps echoed as he walked, Seeing a room with a light, He gently knocked..

It creaked open, Henry peeking in. "Joey? Bendy? You two in here?"

..No reply.

"Hey.. C-Come on, This isn't funny.." He felt around near the door for the lightswitch, Finding it and switching on the light, Only to freeze up once he turned.

On the floor, In the center of the room, Was Joey.


He quickly ran over. "Joey?!"

"Come on, This has to be a sick joke.. Come on, Just laugh at me already.." He mumbled, Crouching down next to the body.

"Joey, Please, Get up!" Henry shook him.

He was interrupted by the sound of the door creaking open. "Joooeeeey, It's time to meet He-" Bendy froze in his tracks. "-eeeenryyy?"

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