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"C'mon! We'll miss their practice!" One of your friends called out to you as you were falling behind.

"It's not like they end practice early or anything," you say from afar, straying more and more from the back of boy thirsty females.

"Yeah, but I want to see Daichi!" Another one of your friends swooned.

"I want to see Sugawara!" One said.

"I can't wait to see Nishinoya!" One chimed in.

"What's the big deal?  Why should we bother them?  I'm sure they have a match to practice for?" You asked really regretting that decision.

"Is a little encouragement from the sidelines gonna hurt?  Of course not!" Your friend answered her own question.

"Whatever," you sigh, "I just don't see the point, I mean I see that orange-haired guy everyday in class," you say, and everyone seemed to stop in their tracks to stare back at you.

"You have class with Hinata?  That's so cute!" They all screamed.

"Yeah........why?" You asked dumbfounded.

"Oh, nothing if you were to date any of them Hinata would definitely be yours," they laughed, and you grew hot headed.

You soon let it go and sighed, "Whatever."

When you all made it to the volleyball gym you could hear the ball smacking against palms and soon crashing down to the floor, triggering screams of excitement.

"One more, nice serve!" One of the players said, but you could see which one it was.

"Come look! Have you even seen them play?" Your friend asked.

You hadn't.... which hit you as odd considering you go to Karasuno.

You look into the gym and see an intense scrimmage playing out.

One team had on plain white T-shirts and the other had yellow jerseys over their shirts.

You all had come just in time for the last play and a dark-haired boy tossed the ball up to no one.

You wondered why he would do something like that until you saw a flash of orange run to the other side of the court.

The boy your friends called Hinata jumped into the air with amazing height and spiked the ball astonishingly fast.

Hinata's team won the tied match at that point it seemed.

You were in complete awe at the orange-haired boy.

He walked over to the bench to retrieve is water bottle to get a drink.

At this time all your friends had gone over to their crushes and started flirting all over them.

You didn't want to be the only one and the door still, so you went up to Hinata.

"H-Hinata...?" You asked shyly.

"Huh?  Oh.... (Y/N)?  We have class together, right?" He asked.

You were surprised he had even known your name.

"Yeah...um I saw you play and....it was well.....," you started to loosen up at how awestruck you were, "It was so cool!"

His eyes widened at that, and a small blush came onto his face at the compliment, " Wow!  Really!? I was really cool!?"

You nodded with a certain sparkle in your eyes that made it genuinely true.

"Awesome!" The boy yelled.

After he had gotten his bags and water bottle and you both had walked out of the gym.

"Can I ask you something?" You asked Hinata.

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