Feeling Unwanted

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Have you ever felt unwanted? Like who you're texting, chillin, talking to or you're just next to makes you feel like you're not needed. That happens to me sometimes and then I get worried and try not to show it. It happened earlier today to me. I'll tell the "story".

Background info.
So recently in math we got new seats. I have a few friends one of which is B. (I don't know if he'd let me use his real name and I don't want to ask) B is/was a good friend of mine. He's chill, genuine, and does his homework, overall a great guy. B has a girlfriend S. B also sits in front of me now. C and H are S's best friends.

The story
So yesterday when we got new seats I was excited I got a friend especially one that I'm kinda close to. Later that same day in math I ended up just drawing random patterns on his back. He said it felt really nice at the end of math. Later that day. When we were in connect I drew on his back again while writing. Again at the end of connect he said it was nice and relaxing. Earlier today in math. So in math once again I was drawing patterns on B's back and C ended up noticing. C asked B if I liked him he said no. After a bit C asked me if I liked B I said no because I don't and I'm taken. I stopped doing it for the rest of the hour. At the end of the hour C told H and then both C and H told S B's girlfriend about what I did. They told B that S wanted to talk with him I guess. When he went back to his seat in front of me he said "S doesn't like that you draw on my back. Can you stop doing it." He said it with no emotion making me think that either he didn't like me because I was making his girlfriend jealous or she threatened to break up with him. It made me a bit hurt because I'm an emotional person. For the rest of the day I didn't talk to B at all. I didn't even walk from 5th to 6th hour and then connect with him or right after 4th hour before lunch. I think it's best that I keep away from him so his girlfriend doesn't get jealous and break up with him. At connect it wasn't that bad because he had to take a test since he'll be gone tomorrow. It's kinda sad that I have to stop my connections with him because of his girlfriend but it's for the best. I want him to have a good healthy relationship with S even if I don't like her.

So that's the story of how I probably lost a friend. Sad Yuno out. Peace✌.

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