2- Roommates

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OHMYGOSH. I'm rooming with Taeyeon. She's my roommate. We talked on the bus for a short bit, but now I'm spending an entire week with her!

"Also, you are both in the same group. Tiffany, I know you're the same age as Jessica so help Taeyeon out and act as a staff.  Obviously you won't be paid with money, but with hours." Minho smiled and I nodded.

A whole week.

The staff separated and went inside their own cabins. I walked into our room first and noticed something.

Why are our beds so close together?

"Tiffany! Ca-can you help me?" I hear Taeyeon croak from the doorway and I immediately went there.

She looked liked a kid trying to get through the door with a huge luggage.

"Stop laughing and help meee." Taeyeon started to whine and I nodded.

I grabbed her luggage and turned it so it will fit inside the door.

"Thanks Tiffany." She replied with a smile which showed her chin dimple. That is so flipping adorable. My heart can't take it.

"No problem TaeTae." I answered.


Did I just?

"TaeTae?" She turned to me with a confused look but soon turned into a bright smile.

"I-I di-didn't mean too. Sorry Taeyeon-sshi." I bowed and she started to laugh with her ahjumma laugh.

"I like it! Don't call me Taeyeon-sshi. You heard what that Minho said. No formal language between staff." Taeyeon pointed her finger towards me and shook it.

"Alright Taeyeon-ah."

"TaeTae." She corrected and I nodded.

"TaeTae." I finalized.


Taeyeon and I walked out of the room with wide smiles.

"You're really funny Fany!" Taeyeon wrapped her arm around my shoulder and sent shivers up my spine.

The both of us got to the site where all of us will meet. We saw Minho and ran over to him.

"Guys this is your group." Minho gave us a sheet with 20 names on it which included: Baekhyun, Yuju, Dahyun, WinWin, Taeyong, Seulgi, Wendy, Jisoo, Somi and more.

"So gather your members and go to your first activity. Here's the clipboard and make sure all your members are with you at all times. Also, there will be a camp staff with you and they will explain the activity." Minho handed us a clipboard.

We quickly gathered the members in our group and waited for the camp staff to arrive. The kids were talking loudly and we're giving each other high fives. I was standing beside Taeyeon and she had her arm linked with mine.

We're getting so close and we've only known each other for 2 hours.

I hope she knows that my heart is beating too fast for my liking. I also hope she knows she's giving me butterflies.

There was a female who was running to us in a hurry. She looked pretty familiar to my naked eye. Then it hit me, Seolhyun!

"Oh. Fany-ah. You're here?" Seolhyun approached us and I nodded.

"Oh you two know each other?" Taeyeon asked as she sadly unlinked our arms.

"Yeah. She's my cousin's friend." I turned to Taeyeon and linked our arms back.

"I'm Seolhyun." Seolhyun held out her hand to Taeyeon.

"Taeyeon." Taeyeon gladly accepted her hand and shook it.

"Alright. Let's get started."


Our first activity was a treasure hunt. I was paired up with Taeyeon, thank the Lord. The boundaries are blocked off with ropes so no kids will be able to pass through it. Instead of finding specific treasures, there are card packs around the area and we take only one car. There are different cards for every pack so they won't be able to get two cards from the same pack.

"Tae! Over there!" I ran to a spot and took the out one card.

"Great!" Taeyeon grabbed the card and put it inside the envelope that stored the cards that we found.

As we were walking around, Taeyeon decided to start up a conversation "Tell me about yourself."


"Cause I don't want to be with a complete strangers for a whole week. Besides we're staying together in the same cabin." Taeyeon replied and I nodded.

"How about 21 questions?" I asked.

"Sure I'll go first. How old are you?"

"16 turning 17." I shrugged.

"16?! WHAT?!" Taeyeon shouted and I was startled.

"Yeah I'm 16. Surprised?" I laughed and she nodded.

"We-well Yeah." Taeyeon seemed more nervous and I was confused.

"Why how old are you?"

"22." Taeyeon answered.

"WHAT?!" It was my turn to be shocked.

She does not look like a 22 year old. Taeyeon looks younger than me!

"Stop lying." I chuckled.

"I'm not! When we get back to our room I will show you my ID card!"


"Also, if I prove to you that I'm 22, I will give you a dare!" Taeyeon smirked and started to run away.

"You're 22! I get it! So no dare for me!" I shouted and chased after her.

"Then let's play truth or dare later!" She turned around and started to back pedal.

"Fine!" I ran after her and soon caught up with the small girl.

The activity was now over and it was time for lunch. The children were all lining up for their lunch and us staff had to wait until they were all done and seated then we can eat.

The staff sat in a large table and Taeyeon sat beside Jonghyun. There was one chair left which was beside Taeyeon and Jessica. I was going to grab that chair, but at the last second, Luna snatched it away.

I shrugged it off and sat in a table where I was the only one there. I was pretty lonely and the staffs table was 3 tables away. I stabbed the piece of salad and stuffed it into my mouth. I heard the chair beside me squeak and I turned my head. Taeyeon...

What a sweet person. She came to my table.

"Babe, You seemed pretty lonely so I'm here." Taeyeon smiled and I blushed.

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