5- A Thing

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"U-uhh..." My face blushed red and I was just speechless.

This is so embarrassing! Next time we need to speak in a different language that she doesn't understand.

"Hey hey. Don't be embarrassed. It's ok." Taeyeon lifted my head up with her finger, obviously resulting in me dying in the inside.

"I can't help but be embarrassed. You heard me confess my feelings for you to another person!" I squealed and put my head between the palms of my hands.

"It's adorable. Besides I want my kiss." Taeyeon puckered her lips out to tease me.

You want a kiss? Here's a kiss for you.

I lightly pecked her on the cheek and hurriedly moved back.

I observed Taeyeon's face and she had her eyebrows scrunched up together in annoyance. She seemed pretty annoyed and her head slowly to face me. This shit was pretty scary.

"You call that a kiss?" Taeyeon moved forward and I felt my back against the headboard.

"Yo-you never specified which kiss you wanted." I whispered. Taeyeon moved closer and I couldn't move back any farther.

"Of course I know you like me. If you like me then you would want to kiss me. I wouldn't ever dare you to kiss me if I didn't want it." Taeyeon captured my lips in an instant and I responded.


That happened last night. Taeyeon and I had a makeout session. We made out. Taeyeon and I kissed. After we had a makeout session, we just went to sleep and it wasn't awkward. We both just ignored the situation that occurred.

"You guys what?!" Jessica shouted but I quickly covered her mouth.

"Luna is still sleeping what do you think you're doing?!" I scolded her and Jessica rolled her eyes.

"It's like 5 in the morning. We have to wake up in like 3 hours. Besides, Luna is sleeping like a rock." Jessica pointed towards the snoring figure.

"Whatever. I'm leaving." I stood up from the bed but was immediately pulled back down by Jessica.

"Nu Uh. Tell me what she said before you two were getting steamy." Jessica teased which received a glare from me.

"She said she wouldn't dare me to kiss her if she didn't want it." I smiled at the thought of it.

"She likes you for sure. For sure." Jessica clasped her hands in delight.

"I doubt it. Maybe she just wanted a kiss." I poured my thoughts out and earned a smack at the top of my head.

"You're stupid. Very stupid." Jessica mentioned and I stiffed a chuckle.

Jessica and I talked about different things for 3 hours. I didn't care about my sleep because I'm used to not getting enough sleep. Jessica is currently in a fight with Tyler. Apparently, Tyler denied that he's in a relationship and Jessica got mad. Jessica told me that she felt like she was the only one that was trying in their relationship. Hopefully, it would be better.

We were now eating food and I decided to eat food outside to think. I told Jessica to leave me alone but not in a rude way.

I sat on a log, near the large lake.

If Taeyeon does like me, how would my father react?

Does she really like me or is she just playing with me?

Our age gap is not that big but it's there. Does she mind dating someone 5 years younger than her?

She probably doesn't even like me.

She wouldn't like me.

She would never like a high schooler like me...

I kept repeating those thoughts in my head, but images of our makeout session filled my head and replaced the negative thoughts.

"Hey." I heard a voice behind me and I turned my head to see, Minho.

"Hi Minho-sshi." I stood up and bowed to him. When I looked back up, he had his arms crossed.

"Oh sorry. Hey Minho." I greeted him in a more casual style and he smiled while dropping his arms.

"That's better Fany-ah." Minho patted my head and sat on the log.

I sat beside him and he stared at me. It looked like he was observing my face.

"Never knew you liked Taeyeon. But now I do." Minho smiled and I was shocked.

"What?! Ho-how do you know?!" I stuttered and jumped up from the log. I heard him chuckle.

"Calm down Fany-ah. It's alright. I'm just very observant. Now you're in deep thought." Minho poked my cheeks and I flushed in embarrassment.

"Stop this now." I pushed him and tried to walk off.

"Nope don't." He grabbed me by the wrist and engulfed in a surprising hug.

What is he doing?

"What the hell are you doing?" I whispered into him as I felt him pat my head.

"I'm helping the both of you. Now you can go." Minho let me go with a bright smile and I noticed the grass ruffling in a distance.

What was that?


Taeyeon and I didn't talk. The whole day she wasn't in a good mood. I don't know why to be honest. I tried to talk to her, like a simple conversation. But every time I want to talk to her, she would walk off. Why is she like this? I get it. She doesn't want to have any interactions with me because I'm not 18 yet. She probably finds me creepy and she wants me to ignore her. 

I get it. I'll do just that.

I was sitting on the bed and I decided on move my bed away from her bed. She wants to ignore me? So be it.

In the midst of pushing my bed, I heard Taeyeon say, "What the hell are you doing?"

"I'm moving them apart." I answered back and succeeded in making the gap larger.

"Why are you ignoring me?" She suddenly asked. I stopped all my movement and faced her.

"What? I'm not ignoring you. You're the one who's ignoring me." I pointed to myself and she paused.

"I saw you hug Minho and I was jealous. I thought you would explain what happened. I even saw you turn around in my direction." Taeyeon explained while clenching her fists.

"What? I didn't even see you! He also just hugged me out of the blue. I couldn't retaliate!"

"Can you only see me then? Not him? You like me and I like you. I thought it was clear to you yesterday. So why can't we just be a thing?"

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