Chapter 1

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"Hey baby sis." I said upset for multiple reasons.

"Hi.." Delilah said. "And what did I tell you, about calling me your baby sis. I'm only four years younger then you. Hmph." she added upset.

"Whatever." I role my eyes  while walking away down the hall my room, and shut my door walking into a mostly black coloured room.

I lock my door and flop on my queen sized bed. Pretty much instally falling asleep.


Gah I wish he'd stop calling me that, but knowing him he'll probably call me his baby sis/sister for the rest of his life. I went to say something to my brother but he was gone oh well, so I head downstairs to help out my mother with supper.

"Hey mom."

"Why hello Delilah. Where is your brother?Supper is pretty much ready." My mom asked.

"I think he's in his room. Mom?"

"Yes darling?"

"I think there is something up with Damien." I say concern lacing my voice.

"And why would that be?" she questioned.

"Well I was talking to him earlier and he seemed upset about something." I say

"Well, we'll talk about it at supper." Mom said. "Now, go get your brother for supper. Please and thank you."



I didn't nap long, cause I had a nightmare again. So I was lying in my bed checking out people's stories on Snapchat, till there was a knock on my door.

"Hey Damien." my little sister said.

"What?" I snapped back for no reason.

"'s supper time." Delilah said uneasily.

I open up my door and look at my sister.

"I'm sorry for snapping at you..I don't know what came over me." I said.

"I-It's okay...let's go eat." Delilah says still a bit uneasy.


"So umm Damien, Delilah tells me you seem a bit upset." My mother says. "Is there something you need to tell me." she gives me a mom look like she know exactly what's wrong. Maybe because she does.

I glare at my sister, and she starts sinking into her chair.

"I'm fine mom." I say while taking bite of my pasta.

"Are you sure cause I don..."

"I said I'm fine!" I yell then I storm off to my room slamming the door behind me.


After Damien stormed off I asked to be excused. I run up to his room and knock on the door once again, after I was excused.

To be honest there's nothing wrong, I just get super irritated a lot of the time. It has something to do with my meds. A side affect or something. But what am I irritated about, is the thing. It's most definitely not him. Okay maybe it is a little bit. But I start to feel like I'm going to have a panic attack, when I think about what he did.. It's not her either. I have zero clue why I'm irritated right now, my only explanation is my meds. Right?

I'm snapped out of my thoughts, when I hear a knock on my door. I groan.

"Who is it?" I snap.

I'm not irritated at Delilah.. Am I?

"Um.. It's me." A familiar voice said.

I role my eyes, and get up to let my sister in.

"What do you want?" I snap yet again.

"What's up with you?" she questions.

"That's none of your business. Now is it?"I snap even more.

"Damien, we just want to help you." My sister says worriedly.

"I don't need your pity help, cause mom and everyone else want me to go back to the perfect little boy I was before dad died." I snapped once again with tears in my eyes.

No. Bad. Don't bring dad into this. He can't keep being your excuse.

"Damien, please." She pleads.

"Delilah, don't."

"Damien, pl-"

I don't know what came over me, but I slapped her.

"Delilah I'm sor-" I start but she interrupts me.

"Damien, save it. I don't want to hear it. Just stay away from me." Delilah says with her hand on her cheek and tears in her eyes. Then she walks away, slamming the door behind her.

"Damn-it!" I shout.

Like what the hell did I just do?!

I hurry and lock my door, before an angry mom comes bruiting through my door ready to beat me to death.

"Damien Harris!!" My mom yells.

"Shit.." I sit on the bed while she yells at me through the door.

All I can think is about is how I hit my sister.
I look down at my hand and clench it a fist.

What the fuck did I do..?

I can't.. I'm not.. NO!

My gaze then shifts to my built in bathroom. I shouldn't. But god do I want to.

Hey there guys here's the being of my editing😊

Bye my lovelies~💕

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