‼️Trigger warning this next little bit is to do with self harm‼️
My mom had stopped yelling at me a while ago, but I'm sitting in the same spot staring at my hand.
How could I be so stupid.
I'm becoming my worse nightmare.j
I'm turning into him..
After a while of just sitting there I get up and go into my bathroom, closing the door behind me. I grab something and slide down the wall.
I roll up my sleeve and stare at all the old and new scars as if something had clawed my arm over and over.
I don't even know why I do this, It causes me even more pain. Pushing my thoughts away, I put the blade to my wrist, ready to cut to glide the blade across my skin just so I know can still bleed. Still feel.
I as cut all my thoughts that I pushed away had come rushing back. All of them. Every single thing that I ever remember, filled my head.
After I was done bandaging myself up, I put my pyjamas on and got into bed. I soon fell asleep.
~Nightmare - 12 years ago~
"Daddy" I yell out
"Buddy where are you?" my dad yells/asks
"I'm over here" I yell but I don't hear my dad reply but I did hear a loud bang, then I find my dad lying on the ground, his blood everywhere.
"Buddy go find mommy *cough* and take care of her*cough* and your sister"
"Okay daddy"
"I love you *cough* buddy but daddy's *cough* got to go now *cough*"
"No daddy you can't m-mommy and sissy need y-you I-I need y-you" I full on crying
"Damien *cough* go *cough* find *cough* your *cough* mother *cough* now *cough cough*"
"I love you daddy"
"I *cough* love *cough* you *cough* too *cough* buddy *cough*"
I hug my dad for the last time and go find my mom.
Nightmare Over
(Uggghhhhhhhh I hate this back storyyyy)
I wake up with tears streaming down my face, drenched in sweat. Why does this always happen? I wish she was here she always knew what to do, and how to help. I roll over in bed and fall back to sleep.
When I woke up it was really sunny outside. I throw my blankets off of me and get up and get dressed into a baggy sweater to hide my bandages, (Cause Delilah doesn't know I cut myself) and a pair of jeans. Once I was finished getting dressed I walk downstairs to be greeted by my mom.
"You feeling better?" my mom asked.
"Ya mom." I answered.
"Make sure you hide it from your sister." How'd she know?
"Ye-" I start but I'm interrupted.
"Hide what from me?" Delilah questions.
"Nothing." I say starting to freak out in my head.
"Whatever weirdo."

Shattered Glass✔️
Teen FictionOkay I get that this is the finished one, you may read it yes. But please read the rewrite as well. You'll get a better story line out of it!