After I was done cutting I had 6 fresh new cuts on my right wrist and 6 more on my left wrist. I bandaged myself up and cleaned up the blood. I walked out of my bathroom, put my razor blade back and picked up my phone off my desk. I walked over to my bed and flopped down onto it.
It's like 11 at night and I couldn't really sleep, I roll over in bed and look at my wall. Then my phone buzzes. I pick up and turn on my phone on to see I got a text from a very close person I know.
???'s Text: Hey, I know we haven't talked since I left over a year ago, but it would be nice if you came and picked me up at the airport right away, cause I don't have any extra money for a cab. Anyways please come get me. Miss you and can't wait to see you.
I automatically jump up and get dressed into a tight long sleeve shirt and a pair of jeans with a pair of boots
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I then quietly run downstairs grabbing my car keys trying not to wake up my mom and Delilah. I quietly head outside and jump in my black 2017 Honda Civic Hatchback
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I put the keys into the ignition starting the car and head toward the airport.
When I arrived at the airport I went to the passenger pick up thingy or whatever it's called, and waited for the plane to land.
When I saw my the person I was waiting for I bolted toward them and when I got to this person I embraced her in a tight hug. After our hug I asked...
"What are you doing here Desiree?"
"To see you idiot....I haven't seen you in over a year"
Flashback (Over a year ago)
Damien's POV
My twin sister Desiree has been keeping 3 secrets of my secret . The first one is that I have had depression since I was 10, the second is that I've been cutting since I was 12 and the final one being that I'm gay. It is only the two of us who know these secrets, cause I don't think I can tell my mom and 10 year old sister that I do self harm and that I'm gay. But that all changed when we were getting out of the car to go to a clothes store for girls, and well I didn't want to go in cause those places for girl clothes always smell like perfume and it burns my nose.