First business

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Yuri Plisetsky just walked out for a while. He had done his first business.


Dora-nikov just looked on. He understood what had gone to Yurio. He knew his journey had made up the man feeling of Yurio. Well when even Yurio is 15, he is ready for it.

The talk with Yui gathered to himself a massive experience and he would never forget the chance to deal with it.




Dora-nikov just checked on and then, he told to Yurio something:

"(Пришло время твоей второй работы, Юрий.)" (It's time for your second work, Yuri.)

"Ok." Yurio smiled. The next letter he received was from the other people. A lot. Natalie Conway. Then next would be Angel dos Santos. His job was just begun ...

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