Afuro 'Aphrodi' Terumi

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This is requested by LaburnumLilies12 [and also will be dedicated to her]

Thank you for requesting this.. :)


[F/N] - First Name
[L/N] - Last Name
[H/C] - Hair Color

(2014:Edition) (Edited)

You're My Only Goddess

'Ares.. Why did someone called me that', You thought ans felt a bit angry and annoyed.

You were walking down the street.

Your [H/C] hair is waving by the medium wind.

You felt someone following you, but you ignored it.

You went to the place that you went yesterday.

Near the beach where the wind always blown.

You took a deep cold air in then release it.

"How did you get so cold how?", You smiled.

Then you turned by a smack noise.

You went to the long blonde haired boy.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?", You helped him out.

"You should be careful next time", You said while cleaning his wound.

"Thanks for helping me", He said.

You gave him a warm smile.

"May I ask whats your name?", He asked kindly.

"[L/N] [F/N]. What's yours?",

"Lovely name. I'm Afuro Terumi my friends never call me by my real name instead, They call me Aphrodi" 

"You mean the god of love and beauty?",

"Yeah!", He smiled.

"Call me Ares",

"Ares, God of war?", He said like its interested.

"Yeah! I don't know why though", Then you looked at the beautiful blue sky.

Then, there's an awkward silent.

"Its a very nice meeting you, Ares. Can we meet again? Tomorrow? Here?", Aphrodi said.

"Sure! That would be nice", You said and let a smile out.

Aphrodi grin smile then, hugged you.

"I will be here", He said as he ran and waved at you.

"Sure!!", You waved back at him.

He slowly dissapearing.

"Look, I just make a friend", You said to the sky.

Then, the wind become stonger which makes you even more happy.

"Thank you for the refreshment", You smiled....

Next Morning

You woke up with a fresh air.

"Morning!!", You happily shouted.

--- Skipping the morning routine ------

"Bye, Otou-san Im going..", You shouted as you close the door slowly.

You went to the same place as you did yesterday.

You saw the same blonde boy standing and waiting for someone.

You went to him and poked him by his side.

"Ehh... W-What are you doing? Ares", He said.

"Nothing, You were just spacing out", You smiled.

He nervously laughed.

Then, you saw a box behind him but you didn't want to spoil what he was planning to do with it.

"I always love this spot, it's lovely and breezy" You sat on the bench.

"Don't you think?", You looked at him.

"Yeah.. when I was little, I always go here", He said.

You soften your face then grin smile.

"Then I saw you..", Aphrodi softly said.

"You saw me?", You have a shock face

"Yeah, I saw you with your father, looking at the sky happily. I wish I could join you that time", He said like it was a bad past.

I just smile at him and hugged him.

"That's the past. Now, come here and join me", He smiled.


"Of course! My girly god", You said.

Then, he kissed you and let you blushed madly.

"and Your my only Goddess",

I know this story didnt make sense

Im kinda dizzy right now because this is the 2nd time im making this because my laptop suddenly off...

Sooo yeah

-Jillies xx

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