Gouenji Shuuya

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6th request of @SarahMcMatthew (dedicated to her)

I don't own him

©Level-5 always did

Enjoy :)

[F/N] = First Name

[L/N] = Last Name

[H/C] = Hair Colour

[E/C] = Eye Colour

(2014:Edition) (Edited)

See You Blush

The wind blows as your beautiful [H/C] hair move a little.

'Everything is fresh in the morning', You thought.

"Its a cold morning... Love it", A voice said beside you.

"Isn't it fresh today", You nod as in 'Yes!!'

"Ohayo [F/N]-chan. Jillies-san", A low deep voice of your boyfriend said.

"Oh.. Ohayo, Shuuya-kun", You happily reply.

"Oooo~ Looks like the 'sweet couple' reunited", Jillies tease.

"Jillies-chan",!You playfully punch her arm.

"Okay okay", She giggles.

"Oi.. Jillies, You forgot your lunch", A teen tall boy 2 inches taller than Gouenji.

"Huh?", She turn to the white haired person who was holding her lunch and lead it to her.

"P-Phantom, what are you doing here?", She narrow her eyes.

"You forgot your lunch for thr 5th time already. So, I brought it for you", He answer with no emotion shown.

She twitchs her eyes in irritatly.

"Don't act cool and all. You don't even go to this school, So you should go to yours now",

"I shall register to this school then if you keep forgetting your lunch", Phantom said.

"Phantom. Go now. Or I'll call Megisa-san (The driver)" She hiss.

"Whatever, See you later then", He walk away as he wave at her.

Jillies sigh in dissapointment.

"Who is that?",You curiousity ask.

"Thats Phantom Knight the most annoying person in my life", She answer.

"Oh... What is he to you?",

"A friend. Close friend when I was little", She answer.

You nod as in 'I understand'.

"So we -", You were about to talk then the bell rings loudly.

"Aww... Man, the class has start, Ja'ne, Lovebirds. I'll see you later", Jillies ran off to class leaving the lovebirds behind.

"Shall we go to class now [F/N]-chan", He lend a hand to you.

"Sure~~", You took his hand and take off.

--- Lunch ---

"Yo! Over here", You saw your friend waving at you.

"Jillies-chan, Your out early", She usually out late.

"Ha.. ha.. funny story the geography teacher dismissed us all at the early time because his daughter came with an emergency",

"Lucky you~", She offer you to sit next to her and you did.

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