Go! Fubuki Shirou

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The last request for @SarahMcMatthew (dedicated to her). *Its base on @Justina_Zander but she changed it*

©Level-5 own them all.. *0*

Enjoy :)

Hope you will liked it.


[F/N] = First Name

[H/C] = Hair Colour

[E/C] = Eye Colour

[S/N] = Son's Name

[D/N] = Daugther's Name

(2014:Edition) (Edited)

The Memory Of Snow

"Look! Look Daddy. Snowflakes", [D/N] smiles. "Its beautiful",

Your daugther laugh happily running though those falling snowflakes.

"Becareful [D/N]!", The father warn.

"Daddy. Daddy can we make snow angels? Like what mommy used to make", The small girl smiles and hoping for the father to respond 'Yes'.

"Sure. Just becareful", Your daugther lay down on the pile of snow.

She start to wave her arms and legs.

"Its cold but fun at the same time", [D/N] laugh.

The light reflects the colour of your daughter's hair and it reminds your husband of you.

[D/N] smile is almost as charming as you. It was a memoriable moment when you and your husband spending time together.

[S/N] step in.

He sigh with those memory rewining inside his head.

"I wish mom could join us", He look down to his feets.

Fubuki place his hand on [S/N]'s head and respond, "She will just wait a little longer then she will be with us".

"Well, I'm not sure to believe you or not", The sound of a broken hearted boy, remind Fubuki of himself when his in the past.

"Don't worry, She will. Now go play with [D/N] over there", The litrle girl wave at them as the brother ran to her.

Fubuki then look at the cloudy sky and watch the snowflakes falls.

"We missed you [F/N]. We really missed you", Then Fubuki saw a figure that is very far away from them.

"Shirou", It whispers.

He notice it was you.

"[F/N]!!", He shouted.

"Shirou, please come back to us", It whispers again.

Fubuki tries to follow it but the more he chased it the more further away it will be.

"Wait [F/N]!! No wait! Don't leave me again!! [F/N]!!",

"Shirou", It stopped moving.

Fubuki hug it and said, "[F/N], Don't leave me again".

"I'm not the one who's leaving. You are", The figure of you crying in front of him.

The one that Fubuki is hugging disappear.

"Why? WHY DID YOU LEAVE US LIKE THAT!", You yelled at him.

"We're all happy with you and now, You're leaving us! WHY!?", You crying as hard as you can.

"What? What are you talking about?",

Then you showed him an image; It was him inside a hospital wearing an oxygen mask. Then he saw you and your children sitting near him, crying.

"What? NO! What are you showing me [F/N]?!", He was curious, confused, angry, sad. His emotion is running thought his mind.

"You fell from a snowy hill then hit you head on a rock. The doctor said you may have chance to live if you have an operation in America. I can afford it but who's going to take care the children. I wanna be by your side when you're in the operation", You said.

"You can bring the children with you, right?", You shake you head slowly.

"No, we can't. I wish this never happen", You slowly disappear.

"No. No. No. [F/N]!! No Don't!!",

"I'll make my desicion. Good luck. Your The Memory Of Snow, I will always remember", You completely dissapear leaving you husband in tears.


Was that good?

Yeah? No? Maybe?

Well thanks for reading.

- Jillies XX

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