Kishibe Taiga

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4hd request of @Justina_Zander

Gomenasai if i updated late.. *busy like everyone else*

Enjoy~ This charather don't belong to me it belong to ©Level-5

[F/N]= First Name

[L/N] = Last Name

(2014:Edition) (Edited)

Please Don't Go

Another day of daily life for every human's life.

You got ready for school and eaten your breakfast.

"Mom, I maybe going home late okay", You slowly close the door.

You ran down the hallway where you'll see your boyfriend waiting for you.

"Ohayo, Taiga-kun", You gave him a kiss on his cheek as he giggles.

"Ohayo [F/N]-chan.. Have you ate your breakfast?", He asked as you two couples start walk.

"Of course, I'm not going to school at an empty stomach", You said.

Then you two talk about what happen yesterday till you reach to the school.

"Well first period will start, See you after school [F/N]-chan", He gave you the same cheek kiss.

"See you~", You went to class.

"OHAYO!! [F/N]CCHI!!", A girl wave at you happen to be your best friend.

"Oh.. Ohayo, Jillies-chan",You walk to her.

"Ne, Aren't you just the cutest thing when you're with your boyfriend", You blushed and didn't expect your bestfriend would know which she already know.

"I-I dont know what your talking about", Acting like you don't know anything.

"Don't be silly.. I seen you two together quite around and how I could not know, I'm your best friend" She grin smile which is sometimes bad for you.

You sweatdrop.

"Don't worry your secret safe with me" She whisper and give you a thumbs up.

You still glance at her like she cannot be trusted.

- A few minutes later after school -

You walk out from class with your friend, Jillies.

"Ne, What's your plan for today?", She ask.

"Plan?", You said confusely.

"Yeah, Plans with your boyfriend, of course", She smile.

You blush a little and look away.

"I'm not sure yet", Then she took you hand and give you something.

"J-J-Jillies! You don't have to give me such a lot of money",You reject what she gave.

"Are you rejecting it?" She glare at you.

You jumped a little because of her glare sometimes really scary.

"Just take it in case, you need it for an extra date", She said.

You just have to accept it and you did.

"Look my ride is here, Ja. [F/N]cchi!!" She wave while running to her car.

You wave at her back and spot your boyfriend, Kishibe Taiga.

He notice you and quickly wave to get your attention.

You walk to him.

"Ne [F/N]-chan, How was school?", He ask.

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