The Phone Call, Part-1

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It's been 4 days since I gave her my number,

Well 4 days 15 hours and 57 minutes to be precise,

She hadn't called me yet,

And I was beginning to feel that this was a blunder.

"She'll never call you!!" I silently mocked myself,

"For she's pretty and you're a dork first bencher"

Throughout this time, I've been optimistic,

But now I'm a bit scared...

Scared that she would never ever call me,

Scared that she might never ever talk to me,

Scared that she was just being polite and nice for the time

Scared that she was now gone...


"You can't lose hope!"

"Hope is everything you've ever had,

Hope is what keeps a man going on his path,

You sleep with a hope that tomorrow will be better,

You can't lose hope!!"

With this final thought,

I quietly lay on my bed,

Keeping my phone by my side,

I closed my eyes and heard myself say to the universe,

"Please call me Anya... I'm desperately waiting to hear your voice call my name..."

"Till then, I'll just be here, patiently waiting..."

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