Chapter Thirteen: Waking Moon

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"Come on!" Destiny rushed ahead, as Ivy worked to keep up with her.

"Where are we going? We have to save Fayte!" Ivy yelled, but continued to run.

"We can't save her by ourselves, even with your magic. We need help, and I know just where to get it." Destiny explained, and her answer surprised Ivy.

"Did you just--?" Ivy stuttered. Sure, she hadn't known Destiny long, but from what she could tell, Destiny and Fayte were a lot alike. Especially when it came to asking for help; meaning they didn't. Ever.

"Yeah, I know. But this is my sister we're talking about. If I can't save her..."

"...You don't know what you'd do. I can't believe how close you've gotten since you met, since you couldn't even say the word 'sister'." Ivy laughed.

"It's easy to get close when you're running for your life." Destiny smiled, then said:

"Camp's just up ahead. You may want me to go in first...unless you happen to have a death wish."

"I think I'll wait here." Ivy giggled.

"Thought so." Destiny said, then entered the camp she had called home for so many years. Suddenly, she stopped at the gates, considering her argument, and concerned that there was no guard.

'How will it sound to just say, "Hello, Mother, I need help! Rally the troops, we have to save my sister! "  This will definitely be the oddest conversation I've ever had with Mother...I hope she takes it alright...'  Destiny thought, cautiously walking through the camp, which looked to be deserted.

"Ivy, come out! Something's wrong!" Destiny called, seeing puddles of blood scattered along  the dirt ground.

"What do you mean?" Ivy asked, suddenly appearing before Destiny, who jumped.

"I mean," Destiny growled, upset.

"I mean that no one is here. The whole place is deserted! Mother is no where to be found, and there is blood! Wolf blood! No one was guarding the gates either! Something is terribly, terribly wrong."

"Well, had I known it was this hard on you, I probably would have burned the place too!" A familiar voice laughed menacingly, before appearing as quick as her daughter.

"Ivy, Dear, I really do hate to see you still with this..." The Shadow Queen looked Destiny up and down before she distastefully said, "...Hero."

"What did you do with my pack?" Destiny growled fiercely.

"Do with them? I did nothing, Darling. My army, on the other hand, well, you've seen the blood." The queen laughed again, and it was everything Destiny could do not to walk right up to her and punch her in her perfectly pampered face.

"Where is my mother, or did you...did you kill her too?" Destiny's voice trembled with rage, and if Ivy was right, it was dabbled with fear as well.

"Kill her? My, you have an imagination, don't you? I like it. No, I didn't kill Mommy Dearest. Not when I've hunted her for so long. Not after everything she did to me." Jade spoke, her voice too growing in anger.

"What she did to you?" Destiny scoffed.

"You banished her from the castle, her castle, and forced her to live in this camp for sixteen years! You killed her husband--my father! You killed my pack, imprisoned my mother, and my sister- What did you do to her?!" Destiny shouted, trembling, but Jade didn't even flinch. She looked disappointingly at Ivy, then spoke, her voice as smooth as silk.

"Well," The queen began. "Someone has  fire. I like spunk, but this has gone too far, my dear. Shall we start with the easy bit, first? Your mother took you away from big sis; not me. Sure, I've done some despicable things, but separating children? Now that's truly wicked. But your mother did something much worse than that; I only returned the favor of what she did to me."

"You're a liar." Destiny seethed, but Ivy nodded her head.

"But she's right. I've looked into a few magic pools of my own. My mother isn't the only one at fault. Your mom did some things that don't always make her look like the hero you know her as. I'm sorry."

"Wonderful, Dear, but I'm not. Shall we go now, and attend to our guests?" Jade smiled, and held out her hand to Ivy."

"My decision stands." Was Ivy's only response.

"Well, then, I suppose either way I'll see you soon! Ta-ta, Dears!" With another awful laugh, Jade was gone in a puff of dark smoke.

"Ivy," Destiny began hesitantly, "What did Mother do?"

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