Chapter Twenty-Three: Rescue

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"Come out, Princess! You too, Ivy." The queen called, her voice echoing up to them. Both girls obeyed, knowing that those six little words had ruined their entire plan. Jade wasn't supposed to be here. Destiny stumbled through the dark, blind as a bat. Ivy held on to her, and, hands against the wall, managed to help each other down the steps into the body of the cave.

Slowly, their eyes became accustomed to the darkness, and then Destiny saw her: Fayte. She was bound to the wall, the giant hand still grasping her waist, and Destiny knew she couldn't stay in the Cave any longer. She rushed to the stone bars, reaching through, when suddenly the queen's voice stopped her.

"I wouldn't do that if I were you."  Destiny swirled around, and saw Ivy frozen, and the queen just behind her. 

"What did you do to them?!" She growled, her voice low.

"You really ought to be thanking me," Jade said, ignoring the previous comment. "I had the power to kill her, as the queen. I could have done it any time Fayte was here. She was a traitor, and I was the law. But as you can see, she's still alive...mostly." Destiny growled again.

"I knew you'd come. Try to save her. And now, you're mine." A second hand reached out for Destiny, and Fayte screamed.

"NO!" The hand came closer, and Destiny was backed up against the wall. Nowhere to run.

"Where is the ring?" Jade asked, harshly.

Suddenly, Destiny understood, and flashing back to the night, so long ago in the woods, she knew exactly what to do.

"It's always been about the ring, hasn't it?" She cried, letting the hand get closer.

"What do you know about it?" Jade asked, surprised. Destiny smiled.

"Everything, plus what you want to do with it." She lied, and the hand stopped.

"If you're lying..." Jade threatened, and Destiny laughed.

"You'll what? Kill me? Then you'll never know what I do."

"You misunderstand, Darling." The queen smiled wickedly. "I'll kill your sister." Destiny's smile disappeared, and the queen began to laugh.

"What do you know, Princess? I control everything in this room, and one mistake is all it takes."

"I know you were the one who killed Johnathan Moonshade." The queen rolled her eyes.

"Everyone knows that," she hissed.

"Everyone knows that you gave the order. Not everyone knows that you yourself were the executioner." Destiny blinked back tears, and glanced at her sister. Fayte was sobbing; she didn't know?

"It was your mother's fault!" Jade shouted. "She stole him from me!! We were in love, and she took him away! Of course I killed him! He betrayed me as much as his daughter!" Fayte struggled, gaining a little strength back.

"You told was Her gave the order...and then killed him?" Fayte's voice was trembling, but it also had a new strength to it. "You trained me to hate my family?!"

"Quiet." Was Jade's only reply, and Fayte struggled as the hand began to squeeze again.

"No! No!"She muttered, tugging on the chains. "Help!" Was her once more feeble cry, as she tried to scream.

"I tired of your little game." Jade said, fiercely.

"Tell me where the ring is, and I'll make it stop. Until then..." The hand gave an extra tight squeeze, and two vipers came out of the ground.

"Stop! You're killing her!" Destiny cried, running to help Fayte. One more step, and she could free her sister. Just as her foot was coming down, Jade snapped her fingers, and Destiny froze.

"Oh, no." She said, a smile on her face. "You're the one killing her." A single tear ran down Destiny's cheek as she realized she was helpless to stop the queen.

"Fine. I'll tell you on two conditions: one, you let us go. All of us, or no deal."

"And two?" The queen asked in a bored tone. 

"You keep your promise." Jade sighed, and accepted the terms, though Destiny knew that it was hardly likely. 

"Go ahead, before I change my mind," Jade said, growing more impatient by the second.

"No. Ivy first. Then the ring." With a wave of her hand, Ivy was free.

"It's in the bag." Destiny said, tossing her pack to the floor. And then, with a simple nod to Ivy, they were gone.

As they reappeared in their camp, Destiny and Ivy worked to help Fayte to their makeshift bed.

"You came." She whispered, and Destiny smiled. 

"Of course I did."

"You gave her the ring though!"

"She gave me you, Fayte! We can still stop her! Do you know what she's planning?"

"Sort of..." Fayte was getting weaker by the second.

"Ivy?" Destiny asked, watching Ivy panic.

"She's dying!" Ivy gasped, and started making a flurry of magic.

"I don't understand!" Destiny cried. "We saved her!"

"The pressure she'd felt for so long is suddenly gone, and her injuries! She was half-dead when we found her, and she's getting worse!"

"Come on, Fayte!" Destiny pleaded. Ivy had finally calmed down, and was preparing a healing spell, but she wasn't completely sure it would work. Ivy waved her hand over Fayte, and Fayte closed her eyes.

When she thought she opened them again, it was dark everywhere.

"Destiny!?" She shouted. "Ivy?!" They were nowhere to be seen. She was alone again.

Suddenly she found herself at a mirror pool, one she'd forgotten long ago. Johnathan was with her, teaching her about the Shadow Wolves. Then, he gave her his ring, and he told her something about its power...she tried to see it clearer, but it faded away as she saw her father's grave. "Papa!" She cried, reaching out for him, when she saw something new; something she hadn't seen. She watched as the queen saw Scarlett and Johnathan run away, into the night, watched her create Ivy, saw her nightmare again. And finally, she saw her father die for the second time. But this time, she saw who did it.

"She's awake!" Destiny cried, jumping to her feet. It was dark, and the world seemed quiet. Fayte was shaking. She tried to stand up, and with her sister's help, she did.

"Where are you going?" Destiny asked, but Fayte didn't stop. She almost tripped over a root, but she kept going.

"I have to get to the cabin," She muttered finally.

"Fayte, Jade burned it down." Fayte stopped. "Of course she did." She sighed. 'Then it's no use. Come on." They turned around.

"She covered her tracks," Fayte growled, back to herself.

"Fayte, you're not making any sense! What do you mean?!" Destiny cried. Fayte rolled her eyes, and Destiny smiled a little.

"I know what Jade's planning!" She exclaimed, once they were at the camp.

"And what's more..." She said with a smile, "...I know how to stop her."

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