Chapter Twenty-Nine: Ivy

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"Where is she?" Destiny snarled, then gasped. Jade was gone, and no trace of her could be found.

"Stop looking. We won't found her here." Fayte snapped, her voice cold. Destiny immediately stopped, and sat on the floor.

"Why would she take Ivy?" She cried, her voice choked with tears.

"Why wouldn't she?" Was the harsh reply. "You can stay here waiting for Ivy to come back if you like, but she won't come. I'm going out."

"Fayte, we can't split up! Last time-!"

"I know!" Fayte cut in, and was already half way down the trap door.

"Where will you go?" Destiny watched as Fayte was slowly disappearing.

"You never stopped trying to find me," she said from below, "do you honestly think I won't do the same for her? Wait ten minutes after I'm gone before you do anything."

"What is this for, Mother? You already have the rings." Ivy looked around her mother's Spell Room, one of few rooms in the caste that she truly feared.

"Yes, Darling. I do." 

"Then why do you need me?"

"Can't we ever just have that special Mother- daughter time that you wished for so long?"

"Yeah, maybe we can do that sometime when I have my I own say  in it!" Ivy cried, then shivered. With a snap of her fingers, she was wearing a sweater that looked to be made of light and woven lace.

"Ivy, I want you here because you are my little sunshine. I want you to help me reunite the rings so that we can finally have peace! Aren't you tired of fighting?" Ivy sighed.

"Mother, you want the rings for more power. You can control dark and light magic."

"Yes, Dear, yes! You're finally seeing it my way!"

"I wasn't finished!" She cried. "If you reunite the rings, you can control me too, can't you?" Ivy's voice had a soft power to it, and Jade smiled sweetly at her daughter.

"Ivy, you know I would never do that."

"Oh, because bringing me here definitely testifies to that!" Ivy cried.

"Ivy, I brought you home. You were with our enemies, and I brought you back." Jade looked sincere, but Ivy knew better than to trust her mother. She had to play along, however, if she hoped to stop her.

"Yes, Mother." She whispered quietly, and Jade put her arm around Ivy.

"Let me prove to you that I do love you, my dear." The dark queen said softly, and for a moment, her menacing voice grew soft and in a way, almost kind. Ivy nodded, and let Jade lead her through their stolen castle, and as they talked together, Ivy began to see something other than the cruel ruler she had seen throughout her life, and though she never doubted she was being played, the longer she was at home with her mother, the more she wanted to believe that her mother had another side to her.

"Nine...Ten!" Destiny cried, and hastily headed down the trap door to the forest. Not knowing which way either of her traveling companions had headed, she chose the left, which she knew would take her through the forest to her own home. She didn't think Ivy was there, but perhaps as she took the forest paths there, she might find some trace of her. She stayed low to the ground in her wolf form, searching for tracks, using her senses to find any smell or hint of her lost friend.

"I'll be there soon," Fayte whispered. It was getting dark, but Fayte was closing in on the castle; she had known from the beginning where Ivy had disappeared too, and could already guess the words being exchanged inside. The guards were still posted, and Fayte knew it would be risky to go in. She doubted Jade would like anything better than to catch Ivy and Fayte with one scheme, so she'd need to be quick and careful. Sneaking up behind two guards, she banged their heads together, and as they fell, she carefully hid them away. She really had changed- last year she would have killed them both, but tonight they would wake with the worst headache of their lives. 

"Mother, if you wish peace so badly, then why the bloodshed? Why the guards? If the people could trust us, maybe they'd put down their weapons." Ivy said thoughtfully. The two were having dinner, and Ivy had thought of a naive if secrete way to discover her mother's true intentions. 

"Ivy,  you don't understand war. Those who fought and died have led the way for peace, and paid for it. Now, with depleted forces, they can see that we have power...and a plan. Then, and only then, will they follow." 

"Of course, Mother." Ivy's heart sank as she thought of the soldiers - White Wolves and Shadow Wolves combined. 

"Good, my dear. You have always had a heart for peace. As have I, but there are many steps to get there...including dealing with invaders." Jade's voice  turned darker as she called for the guards to find the trespasser.

Fayte was breathing hard as she raced past several more guards; someone had sounded the alarm, and there was an army behind her. Destiny had to be close behind, she thought, and kept going. No one had seen her- yet. And she was planning on keeping it that way.

Destiny turned around- she hadn't picked up a scent for hours.  She began to run the other way- neither Fayte not Ivy had come this way. They were split up, and she had to find them. 

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