Chapter 10: Running away

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(Song: Nightcore - Blackout)

I were in a little room in the ship. There were nothing but a bed, and a closet. I don't think they thought this through? They want to capture the dark wizard and then they would give him this excuse of a room? I'm not complaining it's just surprising.

As i laid on the bed, i heard someone outside the door. I think it was Zancrow, but that doesn't matter, he talked with someone.

,,When are we leaving this dump?"


,,What if Acnologia is coming?"

,,Do you really believe that?"

,,Why not?"

,,What do you mean?"

,,If Zeref exists"

,,To think of it, isn't it weird he had a daughter?"

HEY! Are they calling me weird? I'm perfectly normal! I walked towards the door, and tried to open it but it was locked. I began knocking on the door. What? You can atleast try to be formal in this situation.


What? Isn't that the most formal yelling in the entire world? I think it is ^^.

,,Ehm No!" Laughed Zancrow.

,,Are you kidding me right now Sandy?"


,,Eh ya? Zan sounds like Sand and therefor Sandy :D"

,,What is wrong with you?"

,,What is wrong with you? Sandy"

,,We should have taken Zeref instead"

At that statement i began laughing, they would rather kidnap my father than me? Do they even know him? Ehm no! Of course i don't know everything either but dad wouldn't just get kidnapped. If i weren't here they would probably be dead or something.

,,What is so funny!"

,,You're a "God" slayer use your head!"

,,Dad would have killed you guys, or at least wouldn't allow getting kidnapped like this. I'm one of a kind" I said, smiling.

,,So you would run away?" A female voice asked.

,,I never said that" I said.

,,But you were implying it"

,,Eh no? I just used the logic of logic? Thanks for nothing now i'm confused!" I yelled the last part.

But in the end, they didn't open the door. And they just left me, if God have any sympathy then let me out. I hate being in the same place for a long period of time.

Soon i felt something, moving. I looked outside the little window, and saw we were flying away from the island. No... I don't want this. Wait window? And it isn't glass, but made of iron bars. And who is a dragon slayer? eh ME! I used my flames to melt the iron, and then ate it. Bye losers! I fastly jumped out of the window, as my motion sickness began taking over.

I landed on the water, and used it as a "transportation" to get faster over to the island. But because it isn't really a vehicle i didn't get motion sickness. Motion sickness.... It's worse than any other curse, and i should know! If people found out that, the Mysterious Wizard, had motion sickness... That would be a big disadvantage for me.

Now down, to act like i'm a water dragon slayer again...

(Daily Quote)
She wore thousand 
faces, all to hide her own

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