7 Permission, Granted

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OOC: THATS RIGHT KIDS!! She's..... nah i'm not going to give away the secret your going to have to read the chapter to see what happens. Of course i already think you know whats going to happen after that lovely chapter with my elder vampires. I think they might produce a good spin off. 

Who was your favourite? Daniel? Leo? Elizabeth? :P 


Alexis felt her head vibrating as if someone was jumping on it. She groaned and tried to dig herself more into her bed. Her eyes were sore and she felt more tired than what she did when she had gone to sleep in the first place.

Someone was jumping on her bed; she could feel the covers stretching with every jump, her body reacting as the bed was pushed up and then down again. Why was this happening? What time was it?

Whoever it was – she wanted it to stop.

It was far too much especially when she felt so tired. "Get up sleepy head. Are you going to sleep all night? I thought that was what you didn't want to do" The strong French voice of Louie was pulled forward and it only made her groan more, pulling the covers over her head. Why was he here? Why couldn't he just stay gone? He didn't seem to be going away. He bounced more, trying to grab her attention singing her name in an out of tune voice trying to annoy her and wake her up.

As much as she hated him, she couldn't help but smile at his attempt to wake her up. His attempts were ruthless and she pushed the covers down to see him. "Alright. I get it. I'm up" Alexis voice was full of her smile and he couldn't help but look up towards a happy Louie who bounced down into bed beside her on top of the covers. He was annoying and comforting, he was something she was used too and had been for most of her years. "Now this seems like the perfect place for moi. I should stay here more often" Louie teased, his eyebrows wiggling as he moved his arms around Alexis in a suggestive gesture.

Alexis let out a throaty laugh and shook her head, removing his arm and slipping out of bed. The full time keeping her eyes on him, she had seen what he could do before and she wasn't about to be tricked out of it by the French vampire. "Now you're dreaming Louie. Not a chance" A laugh came from him as he snuggled down into her bed and put both of his hands behind his head, cradling it. "As amusing as the two of you are. I believe we came here for a reason, Louie" Alexis spun around at the voice to find Vladimir standing with a smile on his face watching the bickering.

His arms were folded over his chest and his eyes seemed warm and inviting. She rushed forward to Vladimir and gave him a hug, her arms winding around him and her head pushed into his chest, he was taller than her and his head could rest nicely on her head.

He felt uncomfortable when she normal gave him a hug, he had never shown this type of affection to anyone as a vampire and he had never intended too. But for some reason he looked forward to his hugs from the little pup. He squeezed her back and then pushed her backwards slightly. "Where have you guys been? I looked everywhere, you just disappeared." Alexis looked towards Vladimir, her eyes staring up at him before turning to look towards Louie – who had moved to the edge of her bed, his legs dangling over the edge of it and his arms dangling in between them.

He too was staring at Vladimir not knowing what to explain to the young girl they had looked over. They had never both disappeared away from her and Louie was sure she would know something was up if he began to try and explain.

Besides Louie thought they might as well tell her the truth. After all it wasn't there idea and they hadn't agreed to it – well Louie hadn't anyway. As an older vampire, Vladimir knew that there would be more trouble if she found out the truth so instead he did the only logical thing. He lied. "We had some business to take care of and it was the perfect time since Caleb was here. You couldn't get into any trouble with him here"

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