20 Anti-wolf

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OOC: How are you guys liking the book so far? Is it good? What do you like about it? What makes you keep reading? I'm so excited that i have written this much already that I can't wait to finish it finally. And start the next one! 

We are more than half way finished now! I was thinking about going for around 30 to 32 chapters  how does that sound?


"I just have the best idea!" Cassie's words were loud and Alexis hadn't even noticed her come into Home Room, she had been rather oblivious lately; focusing too much in her own head than on her own surroundings.

That seemed better though.

With Sandy and Marie sitting not that far away, Sandy always glaring at her or putting her in awkward situations for reasons she was sure now had something to do with Nicolas. Alexis never wanted anything to do with it though and she wished both of them would just leave her out of their relationship. She was finding it difficult enough to deal with werewolves in the school and vampire moods at home, plus she was sure something was up with Louie. She had hardly seen him in so long and that wasn't like Louie at all.

Vladimir would often meet her from school or he would see her before she went to her bed – not as much as she was used to sure but still it was more than what she had currently been seeing him. But there was enough confusion going on in her life without adding more problems too it. So she would have much preferred if Sandy and Nicolas could just back off, although that didn't seem to be happening anytime soon.

With a deep breath her eyes adjusted back to their surroundings and she smiled towards Cassie. "What's that?" Ashley and Katie had stopped their conversation and now stared at Cassie waiting to see what she had in store now. Chris and Jack hadn't even joined the conversation; they were talking to other boys not far away from the table they currently sat at. Cassie was beaming, her hair was wilder than usual, and it wasn't tied up or pulled back, instead it was all let loose which was very unlike Cassie. "Let's go shopping this Friday, we have formal coming up and a few birthday parties....." she waggled her eyebrows and Alexis could almost tell that Cassie was talking about her own birthday. "...So we need a few dresses and other outfits for them so it would be good for us to get an early start and at least scope out the new material...There are a lot of shops around here which we can show you, Alexis easily" Cassie smiled and Katie and Ashley nodded their head in agreement with her.

"Oh definitely, I need a new pair of Jeans as well, these ones are starting to ware and itch." Ashley chimed in touching her jeans as if to show off what she was talking about. "I need shoes as well" Katie pointed out and both Cassie and Ashley laughed "You always need shoes" Cassie added.

Katie folded her arms; sitting back in her chair she pretended to pout although couldn't really remove the smile from her face. "So what do you think Alexis? I could pick you up and we can head over to the shopping center and we can see what we need to pick up from there" Cassie had turned around to look at Alexis and her head tilted to the side waiting for an answer. Hoping for a yes.

Alexis bit her lip, her eyes searching over the girls in front of her who looked generally excited to be going on a shopping trip and Cassie was looking at her as if she wanted Alexis to come along. There was only one problem.

Vladimir. It hadn't been that difficult for her to come to school; but somehow she thought that with Caleb around she was going to have more trouble trying to get to go off herself. Friday was normally her stay in and study day. Cassie seemed to take her silence as a no and began rambling "..Now before you say no, you don't need to spend any money you can just have a look and if you see anything you can always pick it up later – your parents have got to agree to that right?" Cassie pursed her lips as if hoping to that it would persuade her. "Besides it will only be a couple of hours. You're not grounded or anything are you?" Ashley asked picking up a biscuit she had in her bag and taking a bite out of it, she leaned on the table focusing more on the biscuit than on Alexis or anyone else at the table. Alexis shook her head and smiled slightly at their question.

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