26 Something sour on the menu

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Marie stood in front of Alexis, her eyes pleaded with the young girl. She wanted to persuade her to do the right thing, after all Nicolas was her mate. Marie wanted to get a good relationship going with her especially if she was going to be the next female to lead the pack. She was much nicer than Sandy and Marie could already tell that they could be good friends.

"I promise we're not all bad. You've not even met half of the pack. We're just the ones that attend this school, another five attend the school on the opposite side of our reservation and then there are the younger ones who we have a school on our lands for and the older ones who attend college and their parents and the adults that work. You're just dealing with high school kids who are bad enough as humans without adding werewolves into the mix. Please have lunch with us. I promise it won't be bad and you can leave at any time." She pleaded with Alexis; Alexis looked at her with an awkward smile. She didn't want to sit with a group of werewolves but at the same time perhaps if she did sit with them and she explained to them that she didn't want to join their pack and that she was only here to study then perhaps they would get the picture.

Perhaps they would leave her alone.

Alexis pondered the thought for a moment before nodding her head. She didn't trust her voice to say anything. Marie smiled happily; jumping up and down for a moment Alexis was surprised by the girl's reaction. Marie grabbed her hand and began to drag her forward "Good we got seats outside today because of the weather. Everyone's going to be so happy to see you" Wait! They didn't know? Alexis suddenly felt panicked; she had thought the wolves asking her to lunch had been a joint decision. She knew it wouldn't have been Sandy's idea but the rest possibly might have agreed to it.

Alexis suddenly felt like she was being dragged along the corridor towards the outside. She waved at a passing Cassie and tried to act like she was going willingly outside.

Although it felt very difficult to do considering the circumstances. "Relax, Alexis. It's going to be fine" Marie spoke before she pushed the door open and ushered Alexis out with her. Alexis laughed nervously, wondering how she could possible relax under these circumstances. She was about to have lunch with all these werewolves. She wasn't sure if she was happy bringing her own lunch anymore, at least if she had to go and get her lunch it would be an excuse for her to leave.

Now she felt trapped. "Hey guys!" Marie waved dragging Alexis along behind her as they approached the wolves. Nicolas perked up, he was sat on the table with his feet on the seat, either side of him was Rick and Alexander but they had to turn to see Alexis and Marie coming. Rick smiled seeing Marie although didn't react much more than that. Alexander just stared on at them slightly amused. Alexis half wondered what he was amused at.

Nicolas stood to his feet to greet the girls, with a smile on his face. "Look who decided to join us for lunch" Marie smiled turning towards Alexis and she had to resist the urge to roll her eyes. It was hardly her decision but instead she smiled and sheepishly said "Hi" Nicolas was the first to step up and smile towards her. "Alexis, it's nice to see you" Nicolas breathed out and Alexis nodded her head, her cheeks staining red as Marie pulled her to sit down on the steps behind the boys.

Rick handed Marie a tray with some food on it as Alexis dug into her bag for her lunch, although she didn't feel like she could eat it. Her stomach was acting out, it was tossing and tumbling. She did, however, feel like her throat was so dry, she grabbed her drink pulling it out and taking a drink out of it. "So have you always stayed around here?" Alexander blurted out causing Nicolas to nudge him and Rick to shake his head. Marie stared at Alexander with a glare and Alexis swallowed before answering, her head shook. "No. Only about three years. I used to stay around Europe for a little while and I stayed in New York before that" Alexis answered honestly, knowing that saying things like that wouldn't compromise her in any way shape or form.

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