Chapter 13

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I pushed him away, "I'm sorry...but you have a girlfriend." he looked down ashamed as he just swam away. I didn't know what do say I got out of the water getting dressed. "Were are you going?" dad asked as I looked St him with tears in my eyes. "Can you n I just go to the jeep?" he looked at me confused. "Nevermind..." I whispered. I left sitting in the jeep not knowing what to do. I touched my lips I shook my head as I put on 'Rodeo' by Garth Brooks. I felt my heart breaking.

When another song by Garth Brooks came on called 'The Thunder Rolls' I took off I couldn't bear the thought of mom being gone, me messing up everything. I stopped at a stop light as I seen a semi coming at me. I screamed and blacked out from the pain.


"Mommy will you dance with me?" a 5year old Braylee asked. "Of course sweetie. Let me put on my favorite song." (see video up top) I giggled softly. "Before you were born you dad n I danced to this song. It reminds me that you n I need to live life to the fullest." I nodded as she smiled down at me.  "Mommy will I ever meet daddy?" she smiled softly. "One day baby when your all grown up." I smiled up at her as she kissed my head.

-16 year old Braylee_
I watched my mom getting ready for her "date" I sighed softly. "Mom?" she looked at me as her smile turned into a frown. "What's wrong baby?" I shook my head sighing softly. "Nothing I just hope you have fun." she smiled as there was a knock on the door. "Bye sweetie." I nodded as I went to my room.  I grabbed the pack of smokes that i kept hidden. I opened it to see a note from mom.
'Need to hide these better time ask me.'

I blushed as I shook my head grabbing and lighting one. I sat on my balcony looking at the Atlanta lights. I wanted to cry I want a dad. My real dad.


I watched her take off as I sighed softly. "Where did sissy go?" Mingus asked as I shrugged. "I don't know. She wanted to talk but I didnt go with her...." Mingus shook his head. "I am failing Haley." I said as Mingus hugged me. I kissed his head, Mingus and i swam fir a bit when we heard Melissa scream. We got out and she handed the phone to me, "hello?" "Mr. Reeds? This is Dr. Carson. Your daughter is in critical condition she was hit by a semi." I fell to my knees as I let out a sob. "I-I-I-I am o-o-on m-m-my way." I stuttered out as I didn't think Mingus and Melissa chasing after me. I got in letting them. In too.

When we got into the hospital I parked I ran inside. "I need to see my daughter Braylee Anne Reedus!!" the nurse looked at me. "I'm sorry she is still in surgery." I just nodded as I sat in the waiting room. I started getting impatient after the second hour came by. After a while the doctor finally came out, "family of Braylee Reedus?" Mingus and I stood up, "Her leg is damaged we had to put screws and bolts in it to have it heal right her arms are broken her lung was punctured but we managed go fix her up. At the moment she is in a drug induced coma she will wake eventually."

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